Corporate documentation

kn Amendments and additions to the Charter of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company (dated June 27, 2024)
kn ST 28.0021-24 Procedure of relations between UMP JSC and contractors
kn Regulation on the Board of Director of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company
kn Enterprise passport 2024 year
kn Enterprise passport 2023 year
kn Corporate Events Schedule for 2024
kn Policy to establish purposes
kn Regulation for Risk Management Committee under UMP JSC Executive Board
kn REGULATION for the Executive Board of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company
kn Amendments and additions to the Charter of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company (dated August 24, 2023)
kn Report on the i mplementation of the “Sustainable development program оf UMP JSC for 2020-2022” for 2022
kn Report on compliance with the principles and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint-Stock Company for 2022
kn Regulation on Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint-Stock Company Ombudsman
kn Investment plans of UMP JSC for 2023
kn Amendments and additions to the Charter of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company (dated September 22, 2022)
kn Occupational safety data of contracting organizations
kn   Report on the implementation of the “Sustainable development program оf UMP JSC for 2020-2022” for 2021
kn   Report on observance of the principles of the Corporate Governance Code of Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC for 2021
kn   Revisions and amendments to the Charter of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company
kn Dividend policy
kn List of persons affiliated 01.10.2021
kn Report on observance of the principles of the Corporate Governance Code of Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC for 2020
kn   Report on the implementation of the “Sustainable development program Of UMP JSC for 2020-2022” for 2020
kn   Code of Ethics of UMP JSC Supplier
kn Rules of remuneration payment and expenses compensation to the Independent Directors - Members of the Board of Directors of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company
kn UMP JSC Investment Plans for 2021
kn Report on the implementation of the “sustainable development program of UMP JSC in the field of corporate social responsibility for 2017-2019” for 2019
kn Sustainable development program of UMP JSC for 2020-2022
kn Policy to establish purposes
kn   Regulation for the Sole Shareholder of Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company (General Meeting of Shareholders) and Interaction with it
kn   Anti-corruption and fraud management policy
kn UMP JSC Investment Plans for 2020
kn Report on the implementation of the “Sustainable development program of UMP JSC in the field of corporate social responsibility for 2017-2019" for 2018
kn   Information Policy of Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC
kn  UMP JSC Non-Core Assets Restructuring Summary Plan as of August 22, 2019
kn  UMP JSC Investment Plans for 2019
kn  UMP JSC Non-Core Assets Restructuring Summary Plan as of October 24, 2018
kn  Report of activities in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development Of ULBA Metallurgical Plant JSC in 2017
kn  UMP JSC Investment Plans for 2018
kn   Code of Corporate Management, Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC
kn  Policy on inauguration of the newly selected members of the Board of Directors of UMP JSC
kn  Policy on advanced training of the members of the Board of Directors of UMP JSC and engaging of external experts by the Board of Directors of UMP JSC
kn  Policy Assessment of performance of the Board of Directors, its committees and every member of UMP JSC Board of Directors