
Transparency is approved

In the middle of July of 2012 UMP JSC Tantalum Production Division was audited once again (second time) by the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition, Incorporated (EICC) for Tantalum supply chain transparency. The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition Certificate has been obtained recently confirming UMP JSC as a certified Tantalum smelter that does not purchase Tantalum raw material from conflict sources.


Starting with 2010 such kind of audit has been annually conducted on facilities of the majority of leading global Tantalum smelters. The audit is aimed to verify the total amount of Tantalum raw material as received during certain period of time (one year) in order to trace each lot received by a smelter to a deposit where this Tantalum-bearing ore was extracted. Such audits have been conducted in UMP JSC Tantalum Production Division since 2011.


This procedure is essential since Tantalum raw material receipt from legal sources only is a topical issue of the world Tantalum industry for the last few years. A lot of global companies manufacturing electronic equipment and Tantalum-bearing components encourage their suppliers to trace raw material supply chains in order to prevent raw material purchase from world conflict areas due to the fact that raw material purchase from such unstable areas frequently contributes to indirect support and funding of illegal armed organizations located on these areas.


Successful Tantalum Production Division auditing by EICC allowed UMP JSC to enhance its image in global tantalum industry and expand sales market of Tantalum products as being manufactured.

