Annual financial statements


as of December 31, 2018    
thousand tenge

Assets Line code As of the end of the reporting period  As of the beginning of the reporting period
I. Short-term assets
Cash assets and their equivalents  010                     9 539 178                    6 751 184
Available-for-sale financial assets 011                                  -                                 -
Derivative financial instruments 012                                  -                                 -
Financial assets accountable by fair value through income and losses  013                                  -                                 -
Financial assets withheld until retirement  014                                  -                                 -
Other short-term financial assets 015                         56 990                    7 833 556
Short-term trade and other accounts receivables 016                     7 815 512                    7 531 484
Current income tax 017                         14 426                         37 258
Stocks 018                   19 947 045                  15 794 309
Other short-term assets 019                        908 765                       850 311
Total short-term assets (sum of lines from 010 to 019) 100                   38 281 916                  38 798 102
Assets (or withdrawn groups) intended for sale  101                                  -                                 -
II. Long-term assets
Available-for-sale financial assets 110                                  -                                 -
Derivative financial instruments 111                                  -                                 -
Financial assets accountable by fair value through income and losses  112                                  -                                 -
Financial assets withheld until retirement  113                                  -                                 -
Other long-term financial assets 114                                  -                                 -
Long-term trade and other accounts receivables 115                                  -                                 -
Investments accounted with equity accounting 116                   10 150 546                    8 353 356
Investment property 117                                  -                                 -
Basic assets 118                   19 654 248                  19 669 612
Biological assets 119                                  -                                 -
Exploration and evaluation assets 120                        369 152                       387 667
Intangible assets 121                        472 054                       524 425
Deferred tax assets 122                         28 831                         30 118
Other long-term assets 123                     9 823 951                    8 042 637
Total long-term assets (sum of lines from 110 to 123) 200                   40 498 782                  37 007 815
Balance (line 100 + line 101 + line 200) -                   78 780 698                  75 805 917
Liabilities and capital Line code - -
III. Short-term liabilities
Loans 210                                  -                                 -
Derivative financial instruments 211                                  -                                 -
Other short-term financial liabilities 212                                  -                                 -
Short-term trade and other credit debt 213                     2 819 403                    1 843 709
Short-term reserves 214                     1 792 333                       424 724
Current income tax obligations  215                        200 221  
Staff remuneration 216                        746 847                       536 589
Other short-term liabilities  217                        591 337                       704 622
Total short-term liabilities (sum of lines from 210 to 217) 300                     6 150 141                    3 509 644
Liabilities of withdrawn groups intended for sale 301                                  -                                 -
IV. Long-term liabilities
Loans 310                                  -                                 -
Derivative financial instruments 311                                  -                                 -
Other long-term financial liabilities 312                                  -                                 -
Long-term trade and other credit debt 313                                  -                                 -
Long-term reserves 314                     3 277 021                    2 748 657
Deferred tax liabilities 315                     1 510 416                    1 647 245
Other long-term liabilities  316                     1 115 307                    1 127 258
Total long-term liabilities (sum of lines from 310 to 316)  400                     5 902 744                    5 523 160
V. Capital
Authorized (share) capital 410                     2 755 985                    2 755 985
Seigniorage revenues 411                                  -                                 -
Reacquired private equity instruments  412                                  -                                 -
Reserves 413                        244 174                       147 462
Undistributed profit (outstanding loss)  414                   63 727 654                  63 869 666
Total capital attributed to parent company owners (sum of lines from 410 to 414)  420                   66 727 813                  66 773 113
Non-controlling owners interest 421                                  -                                 -
Total capital (line 420 +/- line 421) 500                   66 727 813                  66 773 113
Balance (line 300 + line 301 + line 400 + line 500) -                   78 780 698                  75 805 917


Company name - Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC
for the period ended on - December 31, 2018 thousand tenge
Description Line code Within the reporting period Within the previous period
Revenue  010          42 977 242                    37 483 584
Cost of sales 011          31 585 673                    28 946 380
Gross profit (line 010 - line 011) 012          11 391 569                     8 537 204
Distribution expenses 013            1 435 148                     1 087 459
Administrative expenses  014            3 444 416                     2 847 020
Other expenses 015 - -
Other income 016 - -
Total operating income (loss) (+/- lines from 012 to 016) 020            6 512 005                     4 602 725
Finance income 021            2 313 884                        311 081
Finance costs 022               360 351                        336 160
Company's share in profit (loss) of associated entities and joint activity accouting with equity accounting 023                 38 130                       (111 490)
Other non-operating income 024               213 776                        600 685
Other non-operating expenses 025            6 295 259                     2 240 659
Income (loss) before income tax (+/- lines from 020 to 025) 100            2 422 185                     2 826 182
Income tax expense 101            2 069 036                     1 362 637
Income (loss) after coninuing activity taxation (line 100 - line 101) 200               353 149                     1 463 545
Income (loss) after dicontinued activity taxation 201 - -
Profit for the year (line 200 + line 201) attributable to: 300               353 149                     1 463 545
parent company owners -               353 149                     1 463 545
non-controlling owners interest -                         -                                   -
Other comprehensive income, total (sum of lines from 410 to 420): 400                 98 789                         (33 909)
Assets revaluation 410                         -                                   -
Revaluation of financial assets kept for sale (starting from January 1, 2018 - Income (loss) from revaluation of financial assets measured at fair value through the other comprehensive income) 411/1                         -                                   -
Income and loss from investments in the equity instruments classified at the discretion of company as measured at fair value through the other comprehensive income  411/2                         -                                   -
Share in the other comprehensive income (loss) of the associated companies and joint venture accountable by means of equity method 412                 (3 344)                           (1 629)
Actuarial income (losses) on pension liabilities 413                  5 421                         (51 186)
Effect of change in income tax rate on deferred tax of subsidiaries 414                         -                                   -
Cash flow hedging 415                         -                                   -
Exchange difference on investments in foreign companies 416                 96 712                          18 906
Hedging of net investments in foreign operations  417                         -                                   -
Other components of the other comprehensive income (loss) 418                         -                                   -
Income reclassification on cash flow hedging to reporting period income (realized income) 419/1                         -                                   -
Reclassification to reserve income by means of foreign currency converting during foreign subsidiaries retirement  419/2                         -                                   -
Reclassification to reserve income on revaluation during sale and depriciation of investments available for sale (realized income) 419/3                         -                                   -
Reclassification adjustment as part of income (loss): Reclassification to income or reserve losses on revaluation during sale and depriciation of investments available for sale (realized income (loss)) (starting from January 1, 2018 - Reclassification to income or reserve losses on revaluation during sale and depriciation of financial assets measured at fair value through the other comprehensive income (realized income (loss)) 419/4                         -                                   -
Tax effect of components of the other comprehensive income  420                         -                                   -
Total comprehensive income (line 300 + line 400) 500               451 938                     1 429 636
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
parent company owners -               451 938                     1 429 636
controlling owners interest -                         -                                   -
Earnings per share: 600 - -
including: - - -
Basic earnings per share: - - -
of the continuing activity  - 0,145 0,601
of the discontinued activity - - -
Diluted earnings per share: - - -
of the continuing activity  - - -
of the discontinued activity - - -


 (direct method)

                                    as of 31.12.2018   thous. tenge
Company name                                               Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC
Description Line code For reporting period For previous period
I. Operating activity cash flow
1. Cash inflow total, (sum of lines from 011 to 016)  010 48 339 306 40 357 805
          sale of goods and services 011 45 531 760 37 687 173
          other gain 012                        -                         -
          advance payments received from buyers, customers 013 570 872 259 440
          receipts under insurance contracts 014                        -                         -
          remuneration received  015 166 047 260 535
          other receipts 016 2 070 627 2 150 657
2. Cash outflow, total (sum of lines from 021 to 027) 020 44 974 700 37 583 269
          payments to suppliers for goods and services 021 27 960 658 19 721 505
          advance payments given to suppliers of goods and services 022 498 416 1 198 967
          payments for labour 023 8 122 895 8 400 806
          remuneration payment   024                        -                         -
          payments under insurance contracts 025                        -                         -
          income tax and other payments into the budget 026 5 819 268 4 432 403
          other payments 027 2 573 463 3 829 588
3. Net amount of operating activity cash  (line 010 - line 020) 030 3 364 606 2 774 536
II. Investment activity cash flow
1.  Cash inflow total, (sum of lines from 041 to 051) 040 3 991 749 12 110 370
          fixed assets sale  041 3 596 617 657
          intangible assets sale  042                        -                         -
          other long-term assets sale 043                        -                         -
          sale of other organizations' equity instruments (except for affiliates) and participatory interest in joint ventures 044                        -                         -
          sale of other organizations' debt instruments 045                        -                         -
          reimbursement in loss of control over subsidiaries 046 -   -
sale of other financial assets 047 3 936 551 11 193 325
futures and forward contracts, options, and swaps 048 - -
dividends received 049 38 156 45 756
remuneration received  050 - -
other receipts 051 13 446 253 632
2. Cash outflow, total (sum of lines from 061 to 071) 060 5 584 660 11 796 132
fixed assets acquisition 061 1 763 673 523 854
        intangible assets acquisition 062                        -                         -
        other long-term assets acquisition 063 1 380 617 1 417 653
       acquisition of other organizations' equity instruments (except for affiliates) and participatory interest in joint ventures 064 1 800 560 2 169 023
        acquisition of other organizations' debt instruments 065                        -                         -
        acquisition of control over subsidiaries 066                        -                         -
        acquisition of other financial assets 067 104 285 7 340 516
        granting of loans  068                        - 334 690
        futures and forward contracts, options, and swaps 069                        -                         -
        investments in associates and subsidiaries 070                        -                         -
        other payments 071 535 525 10 396
3.  Net amount of investment activity cash (line 040 - line 060) 080          (1 592 911) 314 238
III. Financial activity cash flow
1. Cash inflow total, (sum of lines from 091 to 094) 090 0 0
          issue of shares and other financial instruments  091                        -                         -
          procurement of a loan  092                        -                         -
          remuneration receipt 093                        -                         -
          other inflow  094                        -                         -
2. Cash outflow, total (sum of lines from 101 to 105) 100 386 099 2 204 496
          payment of loans 101                        -                         -
          payment of remuneration  102                        -                         -
          payment of dividends 103 386 099 2 204 496
          payments to owners under organizations' shares 104 - -
other outflow 105 - -
3. Net amount of financial activity cash (line 090 - line 100) 110 (386 099) (2 204 496)
4. Influence of currency exchange rate in tenge 120 1 402 398 (167 803)
5. Increase(+)/decrease(-) of funds (line 030+-line 080+-line 110+-line 120) 130 2 787 994 716 475
6.  Funds and their equivalents as of the beginning of reporting period  140 6 751 184 6 034 709
7. Funds and thier equivalents as of the end of reporting period  150 9 539 178 6 751 184


for the period, ended on
thous. tenge

Description Line code Mother company capital Total Share of non-controlling owners Total capital
Authorized capital stock Share premium Purchased own share instruments Reserves Undistributed profit
Balance as of January 1st of the previous year 010             2 755 985                            -                            -              128 556             64 850 363    67 734 904                           -                67 734 904
Accounting policy change 011 - - - - - - - -
Re-calculated balance (line 010 +/- line 011) 100 2 755 985 - - 128 556 64 850 363    67 734 904                           - 67 734 904
Overall combined profit, total (line 210 + line 220): 200 - - - 18 906 1 410 730 1 429 636                           - 1 429 636
Profit (loss) of the year 210 - - - - 1 463 545 1 463 545                           - 1 463 545
Other combined profit, total (sum of lines from 221 to 229): 220 - - - 18 906 (52 815) (33 909)                           - (33 909)
Fixed assets revaluation surplus (minus tax effect) 221                              -                            -                            -                            -                                 -                        -                           -                                   -
Restatement of depreciation after revaluation of fixed assets   (minus tax effect) 222                              -                            -                            -                            -                                 -                        -                           -                                   -
Revaluation of financial assets available for sale (minus tax effect) 223                              -                            -                            -                            -                                 -                        -                           -                                   -
Share in other combined profit (loss) of the associated agencies and joint activities accounted for by share participation method 224 - - - - (1 629) (1 629) -   (1 629)
Actuarial profit (loss) of retirement obligations 225 - - - - (51 186) (51 186)   (51 186)
Effect of changing income tax rate by deferred tax of subsidiaries 226 - - - - - - - -
Fund flow hedging (minus tax effect) 227                              -                            -                            -                            -                                 -                        - -                                   -
Rate difference by investments to foreign companies 228 - - - 18 906 - 18 906 - 18 906
Hedging of net investment to foreign operations 229 - - - - - - - -
Operations with owners, total (sum of lines from 310 to 318): 300 - - -   - (2 391 427) (2 391 427) -   (2 391 427)
Granting shares to the employees: 310 - - - - - -   -   -
employee's service cost     - - - - -   - -   -
issuing shares according to granting shares to employees procedure   - - - - - - - -
tax benefit regarding granting shares to employees procedure   -   -   - -   - - -   -
Contributions from owners  311 - - -   - - - - -
Issuing own share instruments (shares) 312                              -                            -                            -                            -                                 -                        - -                                   -
Issuing share instruments associated with business merge  313 - - - - - - - -
Share component of the converted instruments (minus tax effect) 314 - - -   - - - - -
Dividend payment 315 - - - - (2 391 427) (2 391 427) - (2 391 427)
Other operations with owners 317   - -   - -   - - - -
Change of share of participating in daughter companies, not resulted in control loss: 318 -   - -   - - - -   -
Other operations 319   - -   -   -   - - - -
Balance as of January 1st of the reporting year (line 100 + line 200 + line 300 + line 319) 400 2 755 985 - - 147 462 63 869 666    66 773 113 - 66 773 113
Accounting policy change 401 - - -   - (111 139) (111 139) - (111 139)
Correcting of initial balance (IFRS 15) - - - - - -   -  
Correcting of initial balance (IFRS 9) -   - - - - (111 139) (111 139) - (111 139)
Correcting of initial balance (IFRS 16) - - -   - - - - -  
Re-calculated balance (line 400 +/- line 401) 500 2 755 985 - - 147 462 63 758 527 66 661 974 - 66 661 974
Overall combined profit, total (line 610 + line 620) 600 - - - 96 712   355 226 451 938   - 451 938
Profit (loss) per year 610 - -   - - 353 149 353 149   353 149
Other combined profit, total (sum of lines from 621 to 629): 620 - - - 96 712 2 077 98 789 - 98 789
Fixed assets revaluation surplus (minus tax effect) 621 - - - -   - - - -
Restatement of depreciation after revaluation of fixed assets   (minus tax effect) 622 - - -   - - - - -
Revaluation of financial assets available for sale (minus tax effect) 623 -   -   - - - - - -
Share in other combined profit (loss) of the associated agencies and joint activities accounted  for by share participation method 624                              -                            -                            -                            - (3 344) (3 344) - (3 344)
Actuarial profit (loss) of retirement obligations 625 - - - - 5 421 5 421 - 5 421
Effect of changing income tax rate by deferred tax of subsidiaries 626 - - - - -   - -
Fund flow hedging (minus tax effect) 627   -   - -   -   -                        - - -
Rate difference by investments to foreign companies 628 - - - 96 712   - 96 712 - 96 712
Hedging of net investment to foreign operations 629                              -     -     -                            -   -   - -   -
Operations with owners, total (sum of lines from 710 to 718): 700   - -      -   - (386 099) 386 099)                           - (386 099)
Granting shares to the employees: 710    -   - -   -   - -              -             - -
employee's service cost -   - - - -   - - -   -
issuing shares according to granting shares to employees procedure -   - -   - -   -                        - -   -
tax benefit regarding granting shares to employees procedure -   - -   -   -    - - - -
Contributions from owners  711 - -   - - - - - -
Issuing own share instruments (shares) 712 - - - - - - - -
Issuing share instruments associated with business merge  713 - - - - - - -
Share component of the converted instruments (minus tax effect) 714 - - - -   - - -   -
Dividend payment 715 - - - - (386 099) (386 099) - (386 099)
Other distribution in favor of owners  716   -   -   - -   - - - -
Other operations with owners 717 - -   - - - - - -
Change of share of participating in daughter companies, not resulted in control loss: 718   - - -   - - - -   -
Other operations 719 -     -     -   - - - -   -
Balance as of December 31st of the reporting year (line 500 + line 600 + line 700 + line 719) 800 2 755 985 - - 244 174 63 727 654    66 727 813 -   66 727 813