Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company


Notification about payment of dividends on preferred shares of UMP JSC based on the 2023 performance

Herewith Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company, BIN 941040000097, located at: 102 Abay Ave., Ust-Kamenogorsk; Banking reference: IIC KZ756010151000014503 in Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, BIC (SWIFT) – HSBKKZKX

INFORMS about payment of dividends on preferred shares of UMP JSC according to the 2023 performance:
guaranteed amount of dividend per one preferred share is 200 tenge;
in excess of the guaranteed amount of dividend per one preferred share is 2,066 tenge 21 tiyn;
- dividends on preferred shares shall be paid:

1. from June 4 to June 6, 2024 in a non-cash form, by transferring to card and current accounts:
• shareholders who are employees of UMP JSC;
• shareholders who have written an application for the transfer of dividends to bank accounts;
• legal entities.

2. from June 7 to June 21, 2024 by paying cash through employees involved in the payment of dividends, as well as by transfer by mail (if there is an application):
• shareholders who are disabled and participants in the Great Patriotic War - at the cash desk of the plant management;
• shareholders, pensioners and individuals who are not employees of UMP JSC – 102 Abay Ave., building 29A, Ust-Kamenogorsk (northern site, separate building, former ORS shop)

Notification about payment of dividends on preferred shares of UMP JSC based on the 2019 performance

Herewith Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company, BIN 941040000097, located at: 102 Abay Ave., Ust-Kamenogorsk; Banking reference: IIC KZ756010151000014503 in Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, BIC (SWIFT) – HSBKKZKX
INFORMS about payment of dividends on preferred shares of UMP JSC according to the 2019 performance:
- Commence date of dividends payment: from July 14, 2020 until July 28, 2020, inclusive.
Time: 09:00 a.m. until 04:00 p.m. Lunch time: 12:00 p.m. until 01.00 p.m.;
Guaranteed dividend amount per one preferred share is 200 tenge;
Above guaranteed dividend amount per one preferred share is 1,011 tenge;
- Dividends on preferred shares are paid to:

  • Retired persons and natural persons as not the employees of UMP JSC through the employees engaged for dividends payment - in Build. 29A (Northern Production Site, a separate building of a former WSD) located at: 102 Abay Ave., Ust-Kamenogorsk, and also by mail and wire transfer to the bank accounts according to the applications;
  • Disabled persons and veterans of the Great Patriotic War – at the cashier of the administrative building;
  • Single not-transportable shareholders according to the lists – at home;

(for all the above items dividends will be paid in compliance with social distance and a strict mask regime)

  • Employees of UMP JSC – by transfer to the bank cards;
  • Legal entities – by cashless transfer to the bank accounts.

Date of update: 10.02.2025