Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Human capital


The main capital and value of Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC is the team formed for many years of perfect work of the Company. 

Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC is one of the largest employers of Ust-Kamenogorsk city

People work in the company


The team consists of men


Workers have higher education
Average age of employees

UMP JSC guarantees observance of the rights and freedoms of its employees, non-discrimination on the basis of nationality and origin, gender and age, religious and other beliefs.


The main documents that guide the Company in its interaction with personnel are the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Collective Agreement, HR Policy of UMP JSC, Employee Remuneration Rules and other internal documents in the field of development, training and production safety.

The Company’s management strives to create working conditions in which each employee will be interested in the result of his/her labour and will be able to receive deserved recognition for his/her personal contribution to the overall result of work.

UMP JSC HR Policy defines a system of business principles, key HR activities, approaches and methods of human resources management in the Company aimed at implementation of the Company’s Development Strategy for the long-term period. 

UMP JSC’s HR Policy is based on the following business principles:

  • Key role of personnel,
  • Meritocracy,
  • Focus on the development and nurturing of specialists,
  • Quality human resource management is a key responsibility of managers at all levels,
  • Strategic partnership between human resource management function and business units,
  • Strategic Human Resource Planning,
  • The principle of a learning organization,
  • Implementation of inclusion and diversity practices,
  • Implementation of wellbeing programmes,
  • Focus of HR function on value creation for internal customers.


Given that UMP JSC works with foreign companies, the Company is committed to the highest business, operational and ethical standards. 

The Company fully complies with the labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as international standards for the protection of human rights.

UMP JSC actively works to develop a culture of open communication, which gives all employees the opportunity to freely ask questions and report problems without fear of retaliation. Each employee has the right to contact both his/her immediate manager and the first manager of the Company, as well as the HR or Legal Service of UMP JSC, the Compliance Service or the Hotline of the parent company of NAC Kazatomprom JSC. Our business partners can also inform about potential risks of violations by contacting the Hotline.

The Hotline is a fully confidential communication channel that operates 24/7 on a 24/7 basis.

The most important ethical norms accepted in the team and defined in the Code of Corporate Ethics and Compliance of UMP JSC are:

  • politeness, punctuality;
  • ensuring safety of life and health;
  • respect for the rights and freedom of each employee;
  • careful attitude to the Company’s property and resources;
  • improvement of labour and environmental conditions;
  • support and participation of each employee in labour safety and environmental safety issues;
  • support of each employee in innovations and initiatives aimed at improvement;
  • continuous improvement using Kaizen method.
Education, Development, Career

Education, Development, Career

One of the ways to attract qualified personnel to UMP JSC is close cooperation of the plant with educational institutions. 

UMP JSC has a long history of cooperation with educational institutions of the city and East Kazakhstan region. In terms of training of working personnel under specific requirements of the plant the most fruitful co-operation of UMP JSC is with Ust-Kamenogorsk Multiprofile Technological College, Eastern Technical and Humanitarian College, Ust-Kamenogorsk College of Service Sphere.

Long-standing partnership relations since 2008 unite UMP JSC and Ust-Kamenogorsk Multiprofile Technological College. 

Within the framework of cooperation agreement between KSU ‘Ust-Kamenogorsk multiprofile technological college’ and UMP JSC there is training of young specialists under dual training programme on speciality ‘Automatic lines and aggregate machine tools’, on qualification ‘Operator- Hydrometallurgist’, as well as on turner, electrician, fitter on control-measuring devices and automation (CMP&A).

Within the framework of cooperation, the employees of the plant participate in the development and updating of educational programmes, in meetings of intermediate and final control of students’ knowledge, are involved as teachers of theoretical and practical training, as supervisors and scientific advisors of diploma projects, as well as supervisors of students’ industrial practice. This form of co-operation helps future young specialists to get acquainted with production in practice, to obtain specific knowledge and skills in their future profession.

As part of the dual training system, about 20 students annually undergo paid practical training at UMP JSC.

Education, Development, Career

Within the framework of targeted training of workers, cooperation agreements have been concluded with the following organizations:

  • from 2021 on speciality ‘Turning and metalworking’ with KSU ‘Ust-Kamenogorsk college of service sphere’,
  • from 2019 on speciality ‘Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals’ (qualification - Technician-metallurgist) with Institution ‘Eastern technical-humanitarian college’,
  • from 2023 on specialities ‘Automatic lines and aggregate machines’ (qualification - Operator-Hydrometallurgist), ‘Mechanical processing, instrumentation and automation in mechanical engineering’ (qualification - Locksmith on instrumentation and automation), ‘Welding’ (qualification - Electric and Gas Welder), ‘Electromechanical equipment in industry’ (qualification - Electrician on repair and maintenance of electrical equipment), ‘Operation of machines and equipment of industry’ (qualification - Repair Locksmith), ‘Turning and metalworking’ (qualification - Lathe Operator) with KSU ‘Ust-Kamenogorsk multiprofile technological college’.

For the purpose of professional (industrial and pre-graduation) practice, UMP JSC co-operates with the following higher educational institutions: NAO ‘East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev’, NAO ‘East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev’. D. Serikbayev’, NAO “East Kazakhstan University named after D. Serikbayev”, NAO “East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov”. S. Amanzholov’, Kazakhstan-American Free University, Tomsk Polytechnic University and others.

An important preparatory stage in attracting personnel to the Company is career guidance work among students of schools and colleges of the city and region, the purpose of which is to show the younger generation the prospects and advantages of technical education. Every year employees of the HR division of the Company carry out career guidance work in educational institutions of the region in order to highlight the activities of UMP JSC and attract students to enrol for technical specialties in colleges and universities that are partners of UMP JSC.

In 2024 the work on conclusion of agreements on scholarship programme of UMP JSC with students of Eastern Technical and Humanitarian College and Ust-Kamenogorsk Multiprofile Technological College was started. The purpose of the programme is to identify students with high academic performance and motivation for further employment at UMP JSC.

Personnel Search and Recruitment

Personnel Search and Recruitment

To search for and select personnel, UMP JSC posts information on vacancies:

  • in the automated HR-Recruiting system,
  • Samruk Qyzmet
  • On external and internal corporate portals, 
  • resource of the authorised body on employment of the population, 
  • Factory newspaper ‘UMZ-Inform’, 
  • Social networks on official pages, 
  • LED screens of the city and/or other resources for external search of candidates.

Ulba Metallurgical Plant Joint Stock Company as a socially responsible enterprise invites people with disabilities who are in need of employment and meet the qualification requirements for available positions to participate in job vacancy competitions.

In order to ensure transparency in the recruitment process, improve the quality of this process, and strengthen the company’s HR brand, recruitment is conducted on a digital platform in real time, where applicants can track the status of their application and receive feedback

One of the ways to attract candidates for employment at UMP JSC is holding and participating in job fairs.

The Company has a very well-developed succession system both among administrative personnel and production personnel, including workers. Within the framework of annual performance evaluation, the personnel with professional and business qualities necessary for promotion to the pool of successors of the Company and ready for vertical and horizontal movements are identified. An average of 40 successors are promoted to higher positions each year.

For the purpose of professional growth and long-term career at the plant of its employees, UMP JSC provides educational grants for education (technical and vocational, post-secondary and higher education) in specialized professions. Every year an average of 5 persons enter the specialties demanded at the Company at the expense of the educational grant of UMP JSC. At least 20 grants are allocated to college students in the form of monthly scholarships for the period of study in an educational institution.

One of the important directions of the Company’s policy is personnel development and training oriented towards:

  • compliance of professional training with the goals and objectives set for the Company;
  • ensuring the improvement of each employee’s performance, studying best practices and international standards;
  • compliance with the legislative requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international standards in the field of industrial safety, labour safety and health, fire and nuclear safety.

Work with Youth

Work with Youth

Since 2003, UMP JSC has had a Youth Association (hereinafter - YA). The main objective of the Youth Association is to create conditions for full spiritual, cultural, educational, professional and physical development of young employees, participation in the decision-making process, successful socialization and directing their potential for further development of the Company.

Youth association at the plant is one of the most enterprising and socially active groups. Not a single republican or city ecological action takes place without YA. Every year on the Day of the Elderly Person the YA together with the organization of veterans of UMP JSC visit the participants of the Great Patriotic War and their equals, delivering gifts and foodstuffs. Together they take part in city events dedicated to the Victory Day, lay flowers at the monuments of Ye.P. Slavskiy and V.P. Potanin on important dates for the Company. 

Young employees of the plant become winners of annual prize of Akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk city ‘Alau’, are invariable participants of regional competition ‘Factory Youth’. 

YA representatives are permanent participants of the annual Sport Games of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, Samruk-Kazyna JSC. About 20 young sportsmen, who are members of the Youth Association, defend the honor of the native plant at republican, regional and city sports competitions.



UMP JSC pursues an incentive policy that provides for the payment of competitive salaries and a high level of social guarantees to its employees.

The main objective of the remuneration and compensation system of UMP JSC is to ensure attraction, retention and effective remuneration of employees required to achieve strategic objectives. The motivation system is based on the responsibility of each employee/unit for a measurable result and the dependence of remuneration on individual performance. 

Employee remuneration consists of the following main elements:

  • fixed part - a salary/tariff rate and legally established additional payments (for combining positions, expanding the service area and performing (replacing) the duties of a temporarily absent employee, for working at night, weekends and holidays, for overtime work, additional payment for living in a radiation risk zone, additional payment for working conditions for employees of production facilities engaged in heavy work, work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, and others);
  • variable part - bonuses based on monthly and annual performance results, paid depending on the achievement of indicators defined by the terms of collective and labour agreements and (or) acts of the employer;
  • non-recurring incentive payments - non-recurring (one-off) bonuses; non-recurring monetary rewards (on anniversaries, holidays and others); bonuses based on the results of work performance of a one-off nature.

In addition to the benefits stipulated by the legislation, employees of UMP JSC are provided with a social package at the expense of the employer, which includes medical insurance of employees, financial aid for health improvement for annual labour leave.

In addition, on an annual basis, employees of UMP JSC receive indexation of monetary income, which is an adjustment of employees’ permanent income to partially compensate for losses caused by inflation.

Social Policy (Collective Agreement, Working with Veterans and Pensioners)

Социальная политика (коллективный договор, работа с ветеранами и пенсионерами)

One of the important tasks of UMP JSC is to create favorable conditions for employees’ labour activity. UMP JSC takes a responsible approach to the issues of social protection of its employees, maintaining employee confidence in the future. 

In order to strengthen social partnership, to observe responsibility, to provide guaranteed benefits and payments to employees, a Collective Agreement is concluded with the Public Association ‘Local Trade Union of Employees of UMP JSC’ (hereinafter referred to as the Trade Union), which is a legal act regulating social and labour relations at UMP JSC. The subject of the Collective Agreement is the establishment of specific mutual obligations in the field of labour between representatives of employees and the employer of UMP JSC on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Collective Agreement in terms of social benefits, guarantees and compensation payments provided at the expense of UMP JSC applies to all employees of UMP JSC. The Collective Agreement also provides for social support of certain categories of former employees defined by the Collective Agreement, including pensioners. 

For the purpose of collective bargaining at the Company, a Collective Bargaining Commission has been established, which quarterly monitors the fulfilment of the Collective Agreement terms and conditions. 

Every year UMP JSC allocates funds to the Trade Union for cultural, sports and health-improving events for UMP JSC employees.  

As part of measures to create favorable conditions for the labour activity of UMP JSC employees and ensure their social security, the Company annually provides:

  • medical care for current and former employees (voluntary insurance of employees in case of illness, compulsory periodic medical examinations, services of feldsher health centers, consultative and diagnostic polyclinic, dental prosthetics for employees and former employees),
  • favorable maintenance of employees’ children in “DO” Ulbinochka’ LLP, compensation for vouchers to recreation centers/holiday homes of VKO, one-time financial aid at retirement and disability, monetary funds for New Year gifts for employees’ children, monetary funds to employees for health improvement of disabled children, maternity pay in excess of 10 times the minimum wage and other benefits for employees provided for by the Collective Agreement,
  • social support for former employees of UMP JSC (financial aid for Victory Day to disabled persons, home front workers and WWII participants, financing of the work of the Public Association ‘Veterans’ Organization of UMP JSC’, social support to former employees of UMP JSC for health improvement in sanatoriums and preventoriums of VKO, financial aid to relatives of a deceased former employee of UMP JSC and other benefits for former employees stipulated by the Collective Agreement).

Information on fulfilment of the Collective Agreement is regularly posted on the Corporate Portal of UMP JSC, as well as brought to the attention of employees at meetings between the Chairman of the Management Board of UMP JSC and representatives of the labour collective of UMP JSC.

UMP JSC on a permanent basis provides material and methodological support to the public association ‘Veterans’ Organization of Ulba Metallurgical Plant’ (hereinafter - Veterans’ Organization of UMP JSC).

Public Association ‘Veterans’ Organization of UMP’ was voluntarily established by former employees (pensioners) of the plant residing on the territory of East Kazakhstan region. The purpose of NGO ‘UMP Veterans’ Organization’ is to ensure decent social and living conditions of the veterans of UMP JSC, their participation in social life, charitable activities, cultural, sports and recreational events, protection of rights and interests of the veterans of UMP JSC.

Members of the organization conduct cultural and mass events for pensioners of the plant, congratulate anniversaries, consultations on medical care, work with the seriously ill (home visits, visits to the home for the disabled, in Hospices) and home front workers, participate in sports and corporate events of UMP JSC.

Regional Social and Economic Development

Социально-экономическое развитие регионов

UMP JSC cares about the socio-economic development of the regions where it operates, realizing that high indicators of their development are one of the key factors contributing to the Company’s sustainable development in the medium term. 

Being a major taxpayer and subsoil user, UMP JSC faithfully fulfils its obligations on timely transfer of accrued taxes and deductions to the budget.

Within the framework of region improvement, the Company carries out works on maintenance of monuments to V.P. Potanin and Ye.P. Slavskiy (places of interest of Ust-Kamenogorsk) - cleaning of territory, maintenance of lawns and green plantings, repair.

Safety (Food, Medicine)

Safety (Food, Medicine)

UMP JSC has created the safest possible working conditions, strictly complying with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal regulations on industrial, radiation and nuclear safety, labour protection and environmental protection.

Special attention is paid to compliance with the standards of therapeutic and preventive nutrition and requirements for special clothing. We maintain the high quality of our services and products by regularly monitoring their compliance with the established standards. There is also an effective system of feedback from employees, which allows us to respond promptly to their comments and suggestions, ensuring continuous improvement of labour and catering conditions at all stages.

Every year, a voluntary medical insurance contract for employees is concluded at the expense of the employer. 

The main benefits of voluntary medical insurance include appointments, consultations with therapists and narrow specialists, examination of temporary incapacity for work and issuance of sick leaves, laboratory and diagnostic services, as well as compensation for medicines and dental services. The insurance programme also includes free massages for therapeutic indications. 

Medical services are provided in specialized rooms of the plant’s polyclinic, which ensures convenient and quick access to the necessary medical care.

Trade Union

Trade Union

UMP JSC Local Trade Union of Employees protects the social and labour rights of its members, representing their interests both at the Company level and in relations with the employer. The main goal of the trade union is to create conditions for stable and successful operation of the Company, where the balance of interests of employees and employer is ensured.

The main activities of the trade union:

  • Participation together with the employer in cultural and mass work,
  • Protection of employees’ interests in matters of labour relations, remuneration, ensuring safe working conditions and protection of employees’ rights,
  • Development, together with the employer, of the terms and conditions of the collective agreement aimed at improving the labour and social conditions of employees, and control over the implementation of the terms and conditions of the collective agreement.
  • Public control over nutrition - monitoring the quality and conditions of employee nutrition.
  • Physical Culture and Sports - support of sports initiatives, organization of sports events.

Local trade union of employees of UMP JSC provides social benefits and assistance to trade union members in the form of:

  • financial aid on the occasion of illness, for the purchase of medicines, in case of birth, death or anniversary, 
  • compensation for kindergarten, recreation centers, health resort treatment and children’s health camps,
  • compensation for tickets to cultural events,
  • organization of winter and summer holidays and excursion trips.

The trade union actively works to create favorable conditions for employees, contributing to their social protection and quality recreation.



In January 2016, as part of the Business Transformation Programme of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, a single operator of charity of Samruk-Kazyna Group of Companies - Samruk-Kazyna Trust Social Projects Development Fund was established.

Samruk-Kazyna Trust Social Projects Development Fund implements charitable projects and programmes on behalf of the entire group of companies of Samruk-Kazyna JSC aimed at solving socially important issues for the population.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

One of the main objectives of Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC is to ensure compliance of its activities with the principles of sustainable development. The approach to sustainable development is consistent with the corporate values of the Company and the parent company of NAC Kazatomprom JSC (https://ir-esg.kazatomprom.kz/ru/development/index) and is the basis for defining economic, environmental and social objectives to create economic value in the long term.

All subsidiaries and affiliates of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, including UMP JSC, support the principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour relations, environmental protection and anti-corruption, which include:

  • Openness,
  • Accountability,
  • Transparency, 
  • Ethical behaviour,
  • Respect,
  • Legality,
  • Respect for human rights,
  • Intolerance of corruption,
  • Intolerance of conflicts of interest,
  • Personal example.

Sustainable development policy of UMP JSC is reflected in all key documents that define the company’s directions and approaches to the issues of effective management and integrity, occupational health and safety, industrial safety, environmental protection, personnel management, local community involvement, and supply chain management.

Sustainable Development

Remuneration to Top Managers

The main purpose of the remuneration system of UMP JSC is to incentivise employees to improve the results of production and financial performance of the Company and achieve the goals set by the Sole Participant of UMP JSC - NAC Kazatomprom JSC.

In order to increase the financial interest of UMP JSC’s executives in the growth of long-term business efficiency and achievement of the Company’s strategic goals, the Board of Directors of UMP JSC annually approves performance indicators containing both financial and production indicators, as well as indicators on production safety and social issues. Based on the results of the reporting year, also by decision of the Company’s Board of Directors, annual remuneration is paid depending on the degree of KPI fulfilment.

Elements of social support for the Company’s executives do not differ from social support for other employees of the Company.

Date of update: 24.12.2024