NC Achievements

Uranium laboratory advances

1. Studies of the influence of speed pressing characteristics on the quality of Uranium dioxide products. A. Gorbushin, B. Syrnev, Yu. Russin, G. Shevchenko. Materials of universities: Powder metallurgy and functional coatings No. 3, 2012, pp. 20-24.
2. Study of the influence of the ejection conditions during powder formation on the quality of Uranium dioxide products. A. Gorbushin, B. Syrnev, Yu. Russin, G. Shevchenko. Materials of universities: Powder metallurgy and functional coatings No. 4, 2012, pp. 17-21.
3. Influence of process conditions on the quality of nuclear fuel pellets. A. Gorbushin, B. Syrnev, Yu. Russin, VNIITSVETMET, Materials of VNITSVETMET for 2010, Ust-Kamenogorsk, pp. 181-187.
4. Optimization of the matrix profile for pellets formation from Uranium dioxide powders. A. Gorbushin, B. Syrnev, Yu. Russin, G. Shevchenko. Non-ferrous metals. No. 1, 2011, pp. 23-25. 
5. Out-of-pile researches of modernized Uranium-Gadolinium fuel for WWER reactors. A. Gagarin, A. Manych, S. Kozhakhmetov, Yu. Russin. Materials of the 7-th Intl. Conf. WWER Fuel Performance, Modeling and Experimental Support. Albena, Bulgaria, 2007, pp. 432-438.
6. Fuel pellets produced at JSC “ULBA” for IFA-716 experiment. Yu. Russin. Final Report EHPG Meeting, Storefjell, Norway, March, 2010, pp. 102-107.
7. Advanced Types of Fuel Pellets for Light Water Commercial Reactors. S. Kozhakhmetov, Yu. Russin. Materials of the European Nuclear Conference (ENC), 30 May - 2 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 632-639.
8. Innovative Fuel Development in ULBA (Kazakhstan) and Testing in the Halden Reactor, Y. Russin, Y. Shakhvorostov, M. McGrath, A. Gagarin, B. Volkov, A. Kuchkovsky, Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting Chengdu, China, Sept. 11-14, 2011, pp. 386-392.
9. E.G. Malishkin, Yu. G. Russin, I. A. Khlebnikova, "Development and implementation of a method for separating TBP degradation products from Uranium soda reextracts”. Materials of the ХVII Republican scientific and technical conference of students, undergraduates and young scientists "Creativity of youth to the innovative development of Kazakhstan", April 12-13, 2018, Ust-Kamenogorsk.
10. Ye. Malishkin, Yu. G. Russin, I. A. Khlebnikova, New Approach to Solving the Problem of Uranium Phosphorus-Containing Carbonaceous Solutions Processing// Materials of II International Science conference Anthropogenic Systems and Ecological Risk, April 19-20, 2018, Russia, Obninsk, National Nuclear Research University, MINP.
11. A. A. Hoffman, E. G. Malyshkin, N. N. Yaroshenko, K. B. Romanova, Reducing the amount of liquid radioactive waste from the Uranium production of UMP JSC by optimizing the Uranium extraction process. Collected works - Actual Problems of Uranium Industry: Materials of the VIII-th International Scientific and Practical Conference, August 3-5, 2017, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, pp. 318-319.
12. I. O. Levanevsky, Yu. G. Russin, A. E. Fotin Uranium-Beryllium fuel produced by UMP JSC is a promising accident-resistant fuel for commercial reactors. Collected works - Actual problems of the Uranium industry: Materials of the VIII-th International Scientific and Practical Conference, August 3-5, 2017, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, pp. 299-304.
13. G. V. Gusakova, K. A. Kuzmin, S. G. Ryzhkov, N. N. Yaroshenko Experience and prospects of processing highly enriched Uranium at UMP JSC, Collected works - Actual problems of Uranium Industry: Materials of the VIII-th International Scientific and Practical Conference, August 3-5, 2017, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, pp. 305-308.
14. T. M. Aldazharov, Yu. G. Russin, Zh. V. Eremeeva, T. A. Ryspaev Methods of preparation and obtaining raw materials for the preparation of gadolinium oxide granules used in the manufacture of composite material of Uranium-Gadolinium fuel, University News. Powder metallurgy and functional coatings, 2016 (2), pp. 15-21.
15. Analysis and proposals for the development of promising composite Uranium-gadolinium fuel. T. M. Aldayarov, Yu. G. Russin, Nuclear potential of Kazakhstan: Collection of Reports - Astana: Kazakhstan Nuclear Society Association, 2014, pp. 8-15.
16. Analysis and proposals for the development of a promising composite Uranium-gadolinium fuel T. M. Aldazharov, Yu. G. Russin Efficient use of resources and environmental protection - key issues of mining and metallurgical complex development: Materials of International Scientific Conference-Ust-Kamenogorsk: EKSTU, 2015, pp. 24-31.
17. Preparation of gadolinium oxide nano powder by synthesis for alloying fuel pellet materials and investigation of its physical and chemical properties. T. M. Aldazharov, L. V. Myakisheva, V. S. Panov, V. Yu. Lopatin, Zh. V. Eremeeva, Nanotechnologies: Science and Production No.1, 2016 - Moscow, pp. 20-29.
18. Evaluation of using modifying additives to improve the performance of nuclear fuel in the reactor. T. M. Aldazharov, V. S. Panov, V. Yu. Lopatin, O. V. Myakisheva, Zh.V. Eremeeva, E. V. Ageev, South-West State University Journal No.2 (71), 2017 – Kursk, pp. 52-63.
19. The use of gadolinium oxide nano powders in the manufacture of a composite material of Uranium-Gadolinium fuel. T. M. Aldazharov, Yu. G. Russin (UMP JSC), Zh. V.  Eremeeva (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), T. A. Ryspaev, Nanotechnologies: Science and Production No. 2, 2016 - Moscow, pp. 31-40

Copyright protection:
1. Ceramic nuclear fuel pellet with controlled microstructure, RK patent No.14948, RF patent No. 2268507.
2. Method of obtaining Uranium dioxide powder for manufacturing of pelletized fuel with the introduction of liquid lubricant, RK patent No.15294, RF patent No. 2296106.
3. Method of manufacturing ceramic nuclear fuel pellets, RK patent No.14947, RF patent No. 2271584.
4. Pellet of nuclear Uranium-erbium ceramic fuel, RK patent No.18731, RF patent No.2339094.
5. Method of processing Uranium-Gadolinium scrap of fuel production from UO2, RK patent No. 17357, RF patent No. 2341575.
6. Method of producing ceramic nuclear Uranium-Erbium fuel, RK patent No.18877, RF patent No. 2382424.
7. Method of pressing cylindrical articles from powder materials, RF patent No. 2470737.
8. Method of manufacturing Uranium-Gadolinium pellets, RF patent No. 2340020.
9. Nuclear fuel pellet, RK patent No. 24138, RF patent No. 2481657.
10. Method of manufacturing nuclear fuel pellets using alloying, RK patent No. 32081.
11. Two-layered nuclear fuel pellet with burnable absorber, RK patent No. 30987.
12. Method of making pelletized fuel for fuel rods, RK patent No. 27966.
13. Method of processing alpha-active nitric acid solutions, RK patent No. 27957.
14. Matrix for pressing cylindrical articles from powdered materials, RK patent No.23962.


Beryllium laboratory advances

1. Mode of generating two consecutive pulses of brake radiation/B. Zh.Arinov, A. I.Kormilitsyn, V. S. Diyankov and others/ / IGUR-3, VAN, Series: Physics of radiation exposure to radioelectronic equipment, 1994, edition 3-4, pp. 9-10.
2. Creating hybrid nanocomposites based on silica nanoparticles and synthetic polyelectrolytes/ B. Zh. Arinov, G. S.Tatykhanova, S. K. Kozhakhmetov, S. E. Kudaibergenov// Materials of the III International Scientific Conference: Modern trends in development of science in Central Asia, special edition (17), 2007, p. 235.
3. Research of technology of complex cleaning of Beryllium sulfate solutions/ B. Zh. Arinov, A. N.Borsuk, S. K. Kozhakhmetov and others// News of Science of Kazakhstan: scientific-technical collection - Almaty: National Centre for Scientific and Technical Information, No. 3, 2010, pp. 80-87.
4. Research of solid-phase Beryllium fluoride synthesis method/B. Zh.Arinov, I. V. Marcifei, S. G.Tsoraeva and others// News of science of Kazakhstan: scientific-technical collection  - Almaty: National Centre for Scientific and Technical Information, 2010, No. 2, pp. 50–54.
5. Research on Beryllium recycling/V. V. Savchuk, B. Zh. Arinov, I. V. Marcifei//Materials of the 9th International Conference on Beryllium technology BeWS-9 – - Almaty: NAC Kazatomprom, 2009, pp. 98-106.
6. Production of Cu-Be master alloys by carbothermic reduction of Beryllium oxide: material of technical information/B. Zh. Arinov, G. V. Goryaev, V. V. Savchuk // Non-ferrous metals, 2004, No. 3. pp. 82-84.
7. Scientific and technical development of Beryllium metallurgy at Ulba Metallurgical Plant/B. Zh. Arinov, B. L. Zorin, A. N. Borsuk/ / Non-ferrous metals, 2011, No.1, pp. 67-69.
8. Development of method for extracting Beryllium from minerals of gentgelvin group under the conditions of mineral raw material processing/B. Zh. Arinov, S. K. Kozhakhmetov,V. A.Rybakova, N. H.Ospanova, H. K.Ospanov, A. B. Baiboldieva// Vestnik of KazNU, Ser. Chem, 2012, No. 2 (66), pp.89-98.
9. Development of technology for obtaining rough Beryllium using granulated charge/ B. Zh. Arinov, I. I. Drobnitsky // XIII Russian Scientific and Practical Conference named after Professor L. P. Kulev of students and young scientists with international participation: Chemistry and Chemical Technology in the XXI century, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk.
10. Production of Si-Be master alloys by carboteric reduction of Beryllium oxide/B. Zh. Arinov, G. V. Goryaev, V. V. Savchuk, G. Yu.Fomin,Yu. V. Shakhvorostov// Materials of the First International Conference, RSE National center for complex processing of mineral raw materials of RK, 2003.
11. Production and processing of Rhenium at "NAC" Kazatomprom" JSC - prerequisites, benefits and prospects/ B. Zh. Arinov, Z. S. Abisheva, A. I. Zagorodnyaya, S. K. Kozhakhmetov, I. O. Levanevsky, E. F. Stolbova, V. V.  Strogonov //Collection of reports of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference: Actual Problems of Uranium Industry, Almaty, 2008.
12. Possibility of associated extraction of rare and rare earth metals from productive solutions of PV Uranium deposits in southern Kazakhstan/ B. Zh. Arinov, S. K. Kozhakhmetov, M. P. Kopbaeva, I. D.Gorlachev, E. N. Panova// Collection of reports of the VI International Practical Ponference: Actual Problems of Uranium Industry, Almaty, 2010.
13. Research on recycling of irradiated reactor Beryllium/B. Zh. Arinov, V. V. Savchuk, I. V. Marcifei// Materials of International Symposium: Nanomaterials for protection of industrial and underground structures and the XI International Conference: Solid State Physics (FTT - XI), Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2010.
14. Composite polyimide coatings that restore integrity of coating by healing microdefects and microcracks/B.Zh. Arinov,V. A.Rybakova,H.K.Ospanov,G.M.Mutanov,S.K.Kozhakhmetov,N. H.Ospanova, A. B. Baiboldieva/ / Vestnik of KazNU, Chemical series No. 2 (66), 2012, pp. 83-88.
15. Technology for obtaining Beryllium oxide of increased quality/V. A.Rybakova,O. P. Podoynikova, A. N.Borsuk, I. I. Zherin, A. A. Maslov/ /Non-ferrous metals, No. 4, 2006, pp. 56-57.

Copyright protection:
1. Method for processing solutions of underground leaching of Rhenium-containing Uranium ores/ B. Zh. Arinov, S. K. Kozhakhmetov, M. P. Kopbaeva and others/ RK patent No. 26780
2. Plasma Chemical Reactor/ A. B. Arinov, A.V.Koksharov, S. K.Kozhakhmetov, A.V. Gorbushin/ RK patent No. 26741
3. Method for obtaining ceramic products/ B. Zh.Arinov, V. K. Koenig, A.V. Koksharov/ RK patent No. 27039
4. Method for extracting Beryllium from minerals of gentgelvin group in conditions of mineral raw material processing/ B. Zh. Arinov, V. A.Rybakova, Kh. K. Ospanov and others/ RK patent No. 6589
5. Method of Copper-Beryllium master alloys production, B. Zh. Arinov, I. I.Batsuev, A. N. Borsuk and others/ RK patent No. 20412
6. Alloy based on Copper/ V. K. Koenig, V. V.Savchuk, I. S. Tyumentseva and others/ RK No. 21867
7. Device for dispersing molten melts/ V. K. Koenig, G. S.Pestova, G. S. Rychkov and others/ RK patent No. 16937
8. Method of manufacturing pellets from the melt/ V. K. Koenig, G. S.Pestova, G. S. Rychkov and others/ RK patent No. 16936
9. Device for quick cooling of melt particles/ V. K. Koenig, G. S.Pestova, G. S. Rychkov and others/ RK patent No. 16619
10. A method for extracting beryllium from beryl concentrates, patent KZ №20393;
11. Method for processing beryllium concentrates containing fluorite, patent KZ №27894;
12. A method for producing beryllium hydroxide, patent KZ №35665
13. A method for producing large-sized blanks and products made of titanium beryllium, patent KZ 35417, patent RU2780235C1
16. Study of the method of solid-phase synthesis of beryllium fluoride / Arinov B.Zh., Martsifey I.V., Tsoraeva S.G. et al.// Science news of Kazakhstan: scientific and technical collection. – Almaty: NC NTI. 2010. No. 2. P. 50-54.
17. Research on beryllium recycling / Savchuk V.V., Arinov B.Zh., Martsifey I.V. // Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Beryllium Technology BeWS-9. – Almaty: NAC Kazatomprom, 2009. P. 98-106.
18. Research on the technology of producing three-layer composites: stainless steel-bronze-beryllium / Maslennikov O.I. // Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Beryllium Technology BeWS-9. – Almaty: NAC Kazatomprom, 2009. P. 57-75.
19. Research on recycling of irradiated reactor beryllium / Arinov B.Zh., Savchuk V.V., Martsifey I.V. // Proceedings of the International Symposium “Nanomaterials for the Protection of Industrial and Underground Structures” and the XI International Conference (Solid State Physics (SSP-XI), Ust-Kamenogorsk 2010.
20. Industrial-scale manufacturing experience of titanium beryllide block for DEMO blanket application /. Ramil Gaisin, Vladimir Chakin, Pavel Vladimirov, Francisco A. Hernández, Sergey Udartsev, Anatoly Vechkutov, Maxim Kolmakov // Fusion Engineering and Design 161, 2020, 111862.
21. Development and characterization of advanced neutron multiplier materials / Pavel V. Vladimirov, Vladimir P. Chakin, Michael Dürrschnabel, Ramil Gaisin, Aniceto Goraieb, Francisco Alberto Hernandez Gonzalez, Michael Klimenkov, Michael Rieth, Rolf Rolli, Nikolai Zimber, Sergey Udartsev, Maxim Kolmakov, Anatoly Vechkutov, Evgeniy Frants // Journal of Nuclear Materials 543, 2021, 152593.
22. Titanium beryllide as an alternative to beryllium in nuclear and thermonuclear engineering, capabilities of UMP JSC in the technology development and beryllides products manufacture/ Ye Frants, A Borsuk, A Vechkutov, K Zenkov, B Zorin, M Kylyshkanov, M. Podoinikov, S Udartsev, P Vladimirov, R Gaisin // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, 2155 012015.
23. Beryllium intermetallics: Industrial experience on development and manufacture/ Ramil Gaisin, Yevgeniy Frants, Maxim Kolmakov, Boris Zorin, Manarbek Kylyshkanov, Mikhail Podoinikov, Sergey Udartsev, Anatoly Vechkutov, Vladimir Chakin, Pavel Vladimirov // Nuclear Materials and Energy 35, 2023, 101444.
24. The temperature-time dependence of the amount and type of niobium beryllides formed during the synthesis of the binary intermetallic compound NbBe3 / T.V. Kulsartov, S.V. Udartsev, K.K. Samarkhanov, Yu.N. Gordienko, Yu.V. Ponkratov, Yu.Yu. Baklanova, Zh.A. Zaurbekova, A.E. Kaynazarova, M.A. Podoinikov, M.K. Kylyshkanov, Ye.Yu. Tulubayev, V.S. Bochkov, O.Ya. Obgolts // Intermetallics 163, 2023, 108065
25. Effect of low-temperature neutron irradiation on the properties of titanium beryllide/ A. Shaimerdenov, A. Akhanov, Sh. Gizatulin, A. Nessipbay, B. Shakirov, S. Askerbekov, T. Kulsartov, I. Kenzhina, A. Larionov, S. Akayev, S. Udartsev // Nuclear Materials and Energy Volume 38, March 2024, 101582.


Tantalum Laboratory advances

1. International Conference "Ebeam 2010", Reno, October 25, 2010, New EB Melting Capabilities at ULBA, S. Dobrusin, D. Popov, M. Newman.
2. S.Yu. Dobrusin, D.V. Popov, Development of technologies of electron beam melting// Collection of "Tantalum-Niobium international study center", Almaty, 2011.
3. Technology of production of Niobium alloy and high purity Niobium/ D.V. Popov, G.A. Gayntsev, A.B. Savichev // Collection "Tantalum-Niobium international study center", Almaty, 2011.
4. Production of Niobium-Aluminum master alloy and Niobium ingots at UMP JSC/ D.V. Popov, A.B. Savichev, G.A. Gayntsev// Collection of reports of the international scientific and technical seminar "Development of the Tantalum industry in the CIS", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2011.
5. Introduction of technology for producing Niobium-Aluminum master alloy and Niobium ingots from it / D.V. Popov, A.V. Angilevko, A.V. Gukalov// Summer School, Almaty, 2011.
6. Improvement of the technological process of Niobium smelting/ A.V. Angilevko, A.B. Savichev, M.V. Semenets // Summer School, Almaty, 2013.
7. Experience in the implementation of technology for obtaining Niobium-Aluminum alloy and Niobium ingots from it/ D.V. Popov// Collection of reports of the VI International Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Uranium Industry", Almaty, 2010.
8. Estimation of oxygen amount contained in oxide films of Tantalum powders/ O.Ya. Obgolts, V.V. Berezko, L.M. Frolova, S.Yu.Dobrusin, V.V.Shevlyakov// Non-ferrous metals, 2004, No. 6, pp. 94-96.
9. Investigation of process of passivation of Tantalum powder upon interaction with gaseous nitrogen/ V.V. Shevlyakov, O.Ya. Obgolts, V.V. Berezko, L.M. Frolova, S.Yu. Dobrusin// Materials of the 7th International Conference "Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows". Tomsk, Russia, July 25-30, 2004.
10. On the problem of high-capacity capacitor powders made of Tantalum/ V.V. Berezko, S.Yu. Dobrusin, L.M. Frolova// Collection of reports of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Uranium Industry", Almaty, 2002.
11. The market of Tantalum and Niobium products and its influence on the technology of their production / L.M. Frolova, V.V. Shevlyakov, A.V. Golubev, O.Ya. Obgolts// Collection of reports of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Uranium Industry", Almaty, 2006.
12. Tantalum capacitors - yesterday and today / L.M. Frolova, O.Ya. Obgolts, A.V. Golubev// Collection of reports of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental Problems of Radioelectronic Instrumentation", Moscow, 2007.
13. Current state and development prospects of the production of competitive Tantalum capacitor powders at UMP JSC/ L.M. Frolova, A.V. Golubev// Collection of reports of International Scientific and Technical Seminar "Development of Tantalum industry in the CIS", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2011.
14. Research on the formation of the microstructure of powder compositions based on capacitor Tantalum fragmentation powders/ L.M. Frolova, A.E. Kainazarova// Collection of reports of the international scientific and technical seminar "Development of Tantalum industry in the CIS", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2011.
15. Current state and development prospects of the production of competitive Tantalum capacitor powders at UMP JSC/ L.M.Frolova, O.Ya.Obgolts, A.E.Kainazarova, E.V.Larionova// Collection of reports of the VII International Conference "Raising technical level of mining and metallurgical enterprises based on innovative technologies", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2013.
16. Research of the process of obtaining fibrous Tantalum powder by reduction of potassium fluorotantalate with vaporous sodium at a temperature below the melting point of the initial salt and salt-products of the reaction/ E.V. Larionova, O. Ya. Obgolts// Summer School for Young Specialists of NAC Kazatomprom, Almaty, 2007.
17. Research on the formation of the microstructure of powder compositions based on capacitor Tantalum fragmentation powders/ A.E. Kainazarova, A.S. Efremov// Summer School for Young Specialists of NAC Kazatomprom, Almaty, 2009.
18. Investigation of the process of obtaining a high-capacity Tantalum powder by reduction of potassium fluorotantalate with vaporous sodium in an installation with forced circulation of a steam-gas mixture/ Yu.A. Kovtun // Summer School for Young Specialists of NAC Kazatomprom, Almaty, 2010.
19. Modern trends in the development of production technology for Tantalum powders up to 8kCV/ L.M. Frolova, A.E. Kainazarova // TIC Conference, Almaty, 2011.
20. Investigation of the process of obtaining high-capacity capacitor Tantalum powder of 70 kCV class/ Efremov A.S., O.Ya. Obgolts// Summer School for Young Specialists of NAC Kazatomprom, Almaty, 2012.

Copyright protection:
1. Method for production of Tantalum powder and device for its implementation/ L.M. Frolova, O.Ya. Obgolts, V.N. Angilevko and others/ RK patent No. 17439
2. A method for producing Tantalum powder/ L.M. Frolova, O.Ya. Obgolts, V.V. Shevlyakov and others/ RK patent No. 17440
3. Method of obtaining fibrous Tantalum powder and fibrous Tantalum powder/ L.M. Frolova, O.Ya. Obgolts, I.I. Chernikov and others/ RK patent No.17441
4. A device for producing Tantalum powder of capacitor properties/ L.M. Frolova, O.Ya. Obgolts, V.V. Shevlyakov, A.V. Golubev and others/ RK patent No. 19807
5. Method for production of Tantalum powder of high chemical purity and a device for its implementation/ L.M. Frolova, A.V. Angilevko, V.V. Berezko and others/ RK patent No. 17440
6. Method of obtaining agglomerated Tantalum powder/ L.M. Frolova, O.Ya. Obgolts, A.E. Kainazarova and others/ No. 20806
7. Method for producing Tantalum powder, consisting of rounded agglomerates/ L.M. Frolova, O.Ya. Obgolts, A.V. Golubev and others/ RK patent No. 20809
8. Potassium fluorotantalate obtaining method/ Angilevko V.N., Kofman V.V., Stepanov V.N., Babin A.A., Maryanina L.N. / RK 29031
9. Device for Tantalum powder obtaining/Obgolts O.Ya., Volynkin V.P., Frolova L.M. et al. / RK 32185
10. Method for obtaining tantalum powder of controlled size / Obgolts O.Ya., Volynkin V.P., Frolova L.M. et al. / RK 32053
11. Method for obtaining agglomerated fragmental Tantalum powder, agglomerated fragmental powder / Kainazarova A.E., Frolova L.M.; Obgolts O.Ya. et al. / RK 35772


Laboratory of Innovative Researches and Developments (LIR&D) advances

Scientific developments:
1. Development of Technological Regulations and Feasibility Study of the investment project "Arrangement of high purity quartz production"
2. Development and implementation of an investment project for the processing of waste products from the production of hydrofluoric acid (fluoride gypsum)
3. Development of the Technological Regulations and Feasibility Study for the processing of liquid waste from the tailings facilities section of the enterprise to obtain drinking water and mineral fertilizers.
4. Complex of research and development work on obtaining silicon for solar cells by plasma-chemical reduction of high-purity quartz.
5. Development of Technological Regulations for an industrial site for the production of metallic dysprosium by calciothermy method.
6. Development of Technological Regulations for flotation processing plant for production of Beryllium concentrate with capacity of 50,000 t/y of ore.

Copyright protection:
1. Method of obtaining anhydrite binder from waste products of hydrofluoric acid/ K.A. Shestakov, I.O. Levanevsky, M.A. Podoinikov/ RK patent No. 23757
2. Method of obtaining ceramic products / A.V. Koksharov, B.Zh. Arinov, V.K. Kenig/ RK patent No. 27039
3. Plasma chemical reactor/ A.V. Koksharov, A.B. Arinov, S.K. Kozhakhmetov, A.V. Gorbushin/ RK patent No. 26741
4. Method of processing Uranium-containing solutions/ I.V. Tsoi, A.A. Amrenov, B.S. Zhunisbaev, A.A. Kuchkovsky, I.O. Levanevsky, E.F. Stolbova, K.A. Shestakov, K.L. Shulgin/ RK patent No. 32226
5. Method of obtaining Be concentrate from fluorite-betrandite-phenakite ores / Franz Ye.V., Borsuk A.N., Baltabayev A.T., Levanevskiy I.O., Stolbova Ye.F., Shestakov K.A., Shulgin K.L. / RK No 34441
6. Method of obtaining scandium from productive solutions / Ibrayev B.M., Kylyshkanov M.K., Podoynikov M.A., Yaroshenko N.N., Khlebnikova I.A., Yekimova S.V. / RK No 36112
7. Method for obtaining non-radioactive scandium oxide from scandium-containing concentrate / Ibrayev B.M., Kylyshkanov M.K., Yaroshenko N.N., Khlebnikova I.A., Yekimova S.V./RK No. 36096
8. Development of a feasibility study for creation of industrial site for processing magnesium fluoride using steam plasma conversion method, with a capacity of 680 t/g;
9. Development of nanofiltration method for concomitant extraction of scandium from mother solutions of uranium sorption

Date of update: 11.12.2024