Technical gases
As standard requirements changed the pressure of gases delivered in gaseous form in cylinders from 01.01.2017 had been reduced from 150 kgs/cm2 to 130 kgs/cm2.
In cylinders with pressure 130 kgs/см2 and temperature of +20○С the following amount of gas is contained:
4.94 m3/cylinder – for Nitrogen;
5.41 m3/cylinder – for Oxygen;
5.2 m3/cylinder – for Hydrogen;
5.03 m3/cylinder – for compressed air.
N | Gas | UOM |
1 | Oxygen, liquid | kg |
N | Gas | UOM |
1 | Hydrogen, technical, Grade «А» | m3 |
2 | Hydrogen, technical, Grade «Б» | m3 |
N | Gas | UOM |
1 | Nitrogen, gaseous, higher purity, grade 2 | m3 |
2 | Nitrogen, gaseous, specific purity, grade 1 | m3 |
3 | Nitrogen, liquid, higher purity, grade 2 | kg |
N | Service | UOM |
1 | Delivery services (through the territory of Ust-Kamenogorsk only) | hour |
Chief of NHOS UD D. Semilutskiy
Tелефон: 8 (7232) 29-83-58
- Uranium products
- Beryllium products
- Copper-Beryllium Master Alloys
- Aluminium-Beryllium master alloys
- Nickel-Beryllium master alloys
- Мыс-бериллий құймалары
- Beryllium metal
- Beryllium billets / articles
- Tantalum products
- Conflict free
- Tantalum Ingots
- Tantalum flat-rolled products
- Tantalum alloying additives
- Tantalum round-rolled products
- Tantalum powders
- Products (Tantalum)
- Niobium products
- Niobium alloying additives
- Niobium Ingots
- Niobium flat-rolled products
- Niobium round-rolled products
- Niobium powders
- Ingots from NbTi alloy
- UMP JSC produces
- Other
Date of update: 13.11.2024