Uranium production

Uranium division of “Ulba Metallurgical Plant” JSC is unique and one of the world largest producers of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. It has great work experience in nuclear sector.

A wide range of services, flexible production and marketing policy, high quality of the products allow "Ulba Metallurgical Plant" JSC to be an active participant of world market of nuclear fuel for NPPs.

Uranium production

The half-century experience in the market of uranium-containing material processing under tight state control, high staff qualification make possible to manufacture products meeting any requirements of Customers. A unique technology developed by Ulba Metallurgical Plant’s professionals provides highly efficient processing of not only traditional types of feed materials but also hard-to-recover uranium-containing materials, such as ash, insoluble residues, including those containing burnable absorbers, and, also, reprocessed feed material into the product that meets highest requirements of the Customer’s specifications. 

The usage of advanced technologies, automated management systems and modern technological equipment allow monitoring the process in the most efficient way and, if necessary, make corrections in the fully automated mode excluding the contact of operators with uranium-containing materials and final products.

Today Uranium division of "Ulba Metallurgical Plant" JSC can supply the following products to the world market:

  • Natural U3О8;
  • Uranium Dioxide ceramic powders;
  • PWR fuel pellets including pellets for AFA 3G fuel for French designed reactors of Framatome;
  • Services for processing hard-to-recover uranium-containing materials.

Great experience in Uranium division products qualification allows developing new products production process in a very short time. It leads to the exploration of new markets and makes new perspectives for collaboration with existing and potential Customers.


Natural U3O8

Uranium division of Ulba Metallurgical Plant developed and introduced a method of processing Uranium chemical concentrates produced in the Kazakhstan mines.
The Consumers of U3O8 produced at Ulba Metallurgical Plant are the leading conversion facilities of Russia, France, Canada, USA, China and India.

Natural U3O8


UO2 Powders

The unique technology of production UO2 powders, used by Uranium division of UMP JSC, and great experience in manufacturing UO2 powders allow producing the product with wide range of chemical and physical characteristics conforming to the various and tough Customer’s requirements.
UO2 powders, produced by Uranium division of UMP JSC were successfully qualified by General Electric (USA, Japan), WSE (Sweden), NFI (Japan). UMP JSC delivers UO2 powder all over the world: to USA, Europe, Japan and Russia.

Uranium production is capable to manufacture ceramic grade Uranium dioxide powder enriched to 5% of 235U by processing a wide range of Uranium materials, including:

  • UF6 ;
  • U oxides;
  • reprocessed uranium;
  • research fuel assemblies and fuel elements material, etc;
  • scraps of fuel productions with various and complex chemical composition. 


Fuel Pellets for Nuclear Power Plants

Ulba Metallurgical Plant is capable to produce ceramic nuclear fuel pellets for power reactors of various types and provide services of processing a wide range of Uranium materials.

Uranium production

Great attention is paid to the quality of the final product – fuel pellets, because safe and reliable work of nuclear reactors depends on it. Strong scientific base, professional personnel and developed modern technology help Uranium division to develop the quality of the manufactured pellets constantly.

After during 30 years, Uranium division of UMP JSC was one of the main Suppliers of fuel pellets for VVER and RBMK reactors of Russia, in 2010 Uranium division of UMP JSC started to produce a new type of fuel pellets for AFA 3G fuel for French-designed reactors. The production of these pellets is qualified by Framatome (France) and CJNF (China). Today Ulba Metallurgical Plant is the Supplier of fuel pellets for NPPs of China.


Uranium materials conversion

Unique technology of fabrication of UO2 powder of ceramic grade with up to 5%235U allows to use any U containing materials as the feed material, including those which are hard-to-recover.

The main difference of UMP JSC technological scheme from other fuel producers is 100% refining of all Uranium used for the production process which allows to fabricate a product of high purity regardless the type of feed material used. Content of impurities in UO2 powders meets the requirements of the leading producers.

The process allows to control powder ceramic characteristics according to the individual Customer specifications and does not depend on the type of the original material.

Ulba Metallurgical Plant has successfully processed scraps of such companies as GNF (USA and Japan), Cogema (France), Sogin (Italy), TVEL JSC (Russia), NFI (Japan), WSE (Sweden), ENUSA (Spain).


Regarding sales of uranium products, please, contact Marketing department of Uranium division

Е-mail: Marketing_U@ulba.kz
phone: +7 (7232) 29-86-05

Date of update: 23.12.2024