Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

History JSC UMP

Chronology of Primary Events

1949 – Stocking of the first product as Thorium Oxalate. A year of Ulba Metallurgical Plant establishment
1951 – Start of 20% HF acid production
1952 – Establishment of Tantalum Operations Division
1954 – Establishment of Uranium Operations Division
1956 – Establishment of Beryllium Operations Division
1972 – Establishment of the fabrication of accessories, end parts and components for nuclear power industry
1974 – Establishment of superconducting materials fabrication
1992 – Establishment of the fabrication of metal coins and awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1997 – Affiliation of Ulba Metallurgical Plant to NAC Kazatomprom
1998 – Certification of the quality management system in compliance with ISO 9002
1999 – Start of the Karadzhal fluorite concentrate deposit development
2003 – Certification of the environment management system in compliance with ISO 14001
2003 – Certification of the quality management system in compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
2005 – Development and adoption at Ulba Metallurgical Plant of the technology of highly enriched uranium down-blending to low enriched uranium to be further used as NPP fuel within the framework of the nuclear weapons non-proliferation project
2006 – Putting into operation of the fluorite ore concentration plant at Kurchatov
2011 – The 52nd TIC General Assembly for Tantalum and Niobium studies (Almaty, Ust-Kamenogorsk) was held
Ulba-FA LLP, enterprise with foreign ownership, was established for manufac-turing fuel assemblies and their components in 2015.
The IAEA Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Bank building was established in 2017.
90 tons of Uranium hexafluoride were loaded for storage at the IAEA LEU Bank in 2019.
Ulba-FA LLP, enterprise for manufacturing fuel assemblies, was put into oper-ation in 2020.
The IAEA LEU Bank has carried out a re-certification of cylinders with Urani-um hexafluoride (UF6) in 2023-2024. This procedure was carried out for the first time on filled cylinders in world practice.

History of Uranium Production

1952 – Board of Ministers of Soviet Union decided to create the Uranium raw material conversion production at Ulba Metallurgical Plant
1953 – Commissioning of shop complex for natural Uranium concentrates conversion into U3O8
1954 – Industrial processing of Uranium concentrates and U3O8 production started
1958-1963 – Modernization of Uranium production workshops, development of Uranium tetrafluoride production from natural raw material and by-products
1967 – Creation of heat-generating elements fuel cores production for transport reactors based on Uranium-Beryllium compound
1973 – Development of Uranium dioxide of nuclear purity ceramic grade of low enrichments (1.6-4.4% U235) from Uranium hexafluoride
1978 – Ulba Metallurgical Plant became the first in the Soviet Union plant beginning the serial production of fuel pellets from Uranium hexafluoride for a new generation reactors VVER-1000
1981 – Production of powders and fuel pellets for RBMK-100 from reprocessed raw material (uranyl nitrate hensahydrate fusion) was set up
1985 – Extraction-free production of powders and pellets was set up
1994 – Development and implementation of process technology for fuel pellets production with burn-out absorber additions as Gadolinium oxide for VVER-1000 reactors
1995 – First verification of Uranium was performed according to IAEA regulations. IAEA Safeguards were implemented.
1997 – Plasma conversion of Uranium Hexafluoride was introduced for production of Uranium Dioxide powders.     
1998 – First in Kazakhstan certification of Quality Assurance System of Uranium production for compliance with ISO-9002.  – An area of Uranium Hexafluoride decanting and homogenization was established and put into operation
1999 – Production of natural U3O8 from chemical concentrates of Kazakhstani deposits was set up
2000 – Production of fuel pellets with burn-out absorber additions as Erbium oxide production for RBMK-1000 reactors was mastered.
2001 – Production of fuel pellets of the reprocessed feed material for WWER reactors was mastered.
2001 – Process technology of converting Uranium-Gadolinium ash and scrap was developed and put into operation to produce Uranium of ceramic grade and nuclear purity.
2003 – Production technology of producing Uranium oxide as U3O8 of natural Uranium as chemical concentrates as for direct fluoridizing was introduced.
2004 – Area for fuel elements fuel reprocessing with highly enriched Uranium was set up.
2010 – Uranium production was certified as a supplier of Uranium Dioxide powder produced from Uranium Hexafluoride for NFI, Japan; – Production of pellets for AFA 3G fuel assemblies was certified by AREVA NP, France and СJNF, China.
2012 – Uranium Production Division was certified as Uranium dioxide powder supplier for Westinghouse, Sweden
UMP JSC and Chinese energy companies signed a long-term contract for the supply of fuel pellets in 2018.
Line for visual inspection of pellets with palletizing was introduced as part of the modernization of pellet production in 2019. The project to dilute highly enriched fuel from Impulse Graphite Reactor com-missioned by the US Department of Energy was completed in 2020.
The process of modernization and certification of pellet production was com-pleted in 2021.
Uranium Operations has received a certificate from the French company Framatome, allowing it to use an improved technological process with the most modern equipment for the production of AFA 3G pellets. Mod-ernization of pellet production will allow UMP JSC to produce up to 400 tons of AFA 3G pellets per year and supply them to the Chinese market and Ulba-FA LLP.
French-designed AFA 3G calibration fuel pellets for CGNPC-URC made of Uranium oxides with different mass fractions of Uranium-235 (from 3% to 4.95%) were successfully manufactured in 2023.

History of Beryllium Production

1950 – The Ministry of Metallurgical Industry approved the design task for (BeOH)2 commercial production
1951 – Start-up of experimental shop division for (BeOH)2 and BeO production
1952 – First (BeOH)2 and BeO samples were produced
1955 – Construction of Beryllium metal cast production started
1956 –Commissioning of pure BeO production workshop
1958 – Partial commissioning of workshop 6 (ceramic production)
1961 – Beryllium metal production workshop construction completed
1963 – Creation of Be metal products production workshop
1966 – First metal produced by powder metallurgy method
1971 – Powder production workshop commissioned (Building 662)
1973 – Beryllium under pressure processing workshop commissioned (Building 602)
1990 – Full conservation of the Beryllium production started
2000 – Beryllium metal production started-up
Quality assurance system at the Beryllium production was certified in accordance with ISO-9002
2001 – Hydrometallurgy production for technical grade (BeOH)2 restored Creation of Beryllium Copper production.
2002 – BerylliUM LLP subsidiary was found in Moscow in order to provide Beryllium Products to Russian customers with uninterrupted and immediate supply
2004 – Ulba-China Co., Ltd. subsidiary was found in Shanghai in order to sale Beryllium Products on the markets of China and South-East Asia countries
2007 – Chinese-Kazakhstani company Yingtan Ulba Shine Metal Materials Co., Ltd. manufacturing rolled products of Beryllium bronze was found
2011-2012 – Projects on supply of beryllium reflector for neutron source were implemented as per the orders of:
– State Scientific Centre Science and Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors (Russia);
– POLATOM for reactor Maria (Poland);
– Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA);
– Institute of Nuclear Physics of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, reactor BBP-CM;
– Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (Ukraine);
– Tomsk Polytechnic University, research reactor IRT-Т (Russia). 2012 – Tolling Contract for processing Beryllium hydroxide of Materion Corp. (USA)
Purchase order for technical grade Beryllium products was fulfilled for the re-search reactor of the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), China, in 2015.
The technology for the manufacture of 275 CG Copper-Beryllium alloy gran-ules was implemented in 2016.
Long-term contracts for the supply of carbothermic master alloy and Alumi-num-Beryllium master alloy to NGK were signed in 2018. Billets and products from beryllides of Tantalum (Ta2 Be17), Chromium (CrBe12) and Titanium (TiBe12) were obtained in 2023.
Tests and studies of the behavior of Titanium beryllide products under the influence of various physical factors, in particular, resource thermal cycling tests of prototype block samples, are ongoing.

History of Tantalum Production

1950 – By the Decree of Ministry of Metallurgical Industry it was decided to create production of Tantalum metal and its products at Ulba Metallurgical Plant.
1951 – The first products output - Potassium Fluorotantalate
1952 – Potassium Niobate production was set up
1959 – Beginning of works on Tantalum powders production by Sodium thermic method
1960 – Beginning of Tantalum powder production by Sodium reduction from Potassium Fluorotantalate mastering the extractive technology of digestion and separation of Tantalum and Niobium
1961 – Implementation of extractive technology of Tantalum digestion
– Start of mastering ingot production by vacuum-arc melting
– First Tantalum metal moulds were produced, mastering of sheet rolling
– Start of Tantalum capacitor powders manufacturing for production of electrolytic capacitors
1964 – Production of the first Tantalum ingots of high purity by electron-beam melting method, trial roll lots production
1965 – Start of Tantalum wire production
1966 – Commissioning of capacitor powders de-hydrating facility
1967 – Creation of foil production workshop and start of mastering Tantalum foil production technology for capacitors
1980 – Creation of experimental facility for Tantalum recovery (LUV-1) and in 1982 experimental and commercial facility D-450 for production of powders for high voltage capacitors was set up
1997 – Creation of Niobium Hydroxide, Niobium Pentoxide and Ferroniobium production
2000 – Two types of Tantalum products, Tantalum powders of capacitor grade of fragment type and Low Si Ferroniobium were awarded with diplomas and golden medals of the Kazakhstan Republic Exhibition Astana-Expo-2000
2001 – Quality system of the Tantalum production was certified in accordance with international standard ISO-9002.
2001 – The first trial samples of capacitor grade Tantalum powder with 32,000CV/g were produced
2002 – Commercial production of Niobium and its alloys for metallurgy and electronics needs was started
2002 – New types of products such as Yttrium refined Tantalum, TaW, NbZr and NbTi were produced
2003 – Environmental Management System was certified for compliance with ISO 14001:1996
2003 – Quality Management System was certified for compliance with ISO 9001:2000
2003 – Production of 250mm Tantalum ingot and 99.97% Ta content started
2008 – Organization of NbAl master alloy production
2011- Production of Ni ingots was established that allowed closing production cycle from processing of raw material to manufacturing of end Niobium products
2011 – The 52th TIC General Assembly was held in Kazakhstan. The participants headed by TIC Chairman visited Tantalum Production Division of Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC where they had a chance to see full production cycle from processing the raw material up to manufacturing finished products.
2011 – Ulba’s Tantalum Conflict-Free Smelter audit was conducted in order to confirm non-use of conflict African raw material and active social commitments of the company by Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition, Incorporated (EICC). A “non-conflict processor” certificate was issued by EICC. Availability of such certificate is a requirement of products consumers. The certificate was confirmed in 2012. 2012 – Capacitor powders of 30, 40, and 50 kCV group were certified by customers. Delivery contract was signed. Commercial production of lots started.
The technology of electron-beam melting of Niobium-Aluminum master alloy using a shortened cycle was developed in 2014.
As a result, large-sized com-mercial Niobium ingots (up to 250mm in diameter, weighing 240kg) were ob-tained. The technology of comprehensive cold deformation was introduced for the production of Tantalum and Niobium products in 2018.
High-temperature vacuum furnace for heat treatment of Tantalum and Niobi-um modified with Yttrium was put into operation to produce products with improved consumer and operational properties in 2020.

History of Hydrofluoric Acid Production

1951-1947 – According to the decision of the Minister of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy the design work on Hydrofluoric Acid production workshop was initiated by the Institute HydroAluminum in 1947. 
1951 – Finished product output: 20% HF acid.
1952 – The workshop was targeted at production of 40% HF acid with high purity for the needs of Uranium production.
1960-1963 – Transfer of furnaces to electrical heating 
1972-1974 – The first line of new building 30A was commissioned.
1999 – License for experimental mining of the Karadzhal fluorspar deposit (East-Kazakhstan region). The problem of supplying HF production with raw material was solved.
2000 – Fluorspar processing complex was put into operation at Trial Lead Plant.
2001 – The problem of utilization of solid wastes was solved. 2003 –  Hydrofluoric acid production was switched over to Kazakhstani fluorspar of the Karadzhal deposit
Ulba-Fluoro-Complex LLP, which included the Karadzhal fluorspar deposit, fluorite ore concentration plant at Kurchatov, and the production of fluorine-containing materials, was established in 2006.
Production of fluorine-containing materials of Ulba-Fluorine-Complex LLP was transferred to Tantalum Operations in 2015.

History of Machine Building (Mashzavod LLP)

1972 – By virtue of the Medium Machinery Ministry decision production of stop valves, end items and accessories production for atomic power industry was set up at UMP
1976 – The APS accessories production was transformed into an independent division
1986 – Within the frame of conversion production of fast moving consumer goods was set up
1991 – Workshop was transformed into a Machine Building Plant being a part of UMP JSC
1996 – Machine Building Plant was transformed into Mashzavod LLP
Technology for manufacturing large-sized equipment from polymers was de-veloped and implemented in 2016.
The construction of the Ulba-FA facility was completed in 2020.
Mashzavod took direct part in the project, having completed a range of works on the in-stallation of external power lines, external and internal communication net-works, heating, lighting, ventilation and air conditioning, fire and emergency alarm systems, automated process control systems and radiation monitoring system.
Specialized equipment was manufactured, and a separate methodology for ver-ifying the valves of UF6 cylinders stored in the IAEA LEU Bank was estab-lished in 2023.


Date of update: 13.12.2024