Social and Economic Development of Operating Regions 2024
Long-term success of the business depends on social and economic stability in the operating regions and in the country as a whole, on mutually beneficial relations with representatives of state and local authorities, as well as on the quality of labour and life of employees.
UMP JSC cares about the socio-economic development of the regions of its presence, realising that high indicators of their development are one of the key factors contributing to the Company’s Sustainable Development.
UMP JSC operates in two regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: East Kazakhstan region and Abay region.
The amount of taxes and contributions of UMP JSC to the regional budget for 2022-2024 totalled 10,278.1 million tenge, including 2,730.1 million tenge in 2022, 3,430.3 million tenge in 2023 and 4,117.7 million tenge in 2024.
Every year, within the framework of fulfilment of subsoil use contracts, UMP JSC makes contributions to the budgets of the regions where it operates for socio-economic development, as well as for infrastructure development. The amount of these contributions in 2022, 2023 and 2024 was 7,905 thousand tenge, 7,705 thousand tenge and 8,624 thousand tenge, respectively.
The group of organisations of UMP JSC in 2024 transferred to the republican and regional budgets taxes and deductions to the amount of 7,929.9 million tenge, including UMP JSC, being a major taxpayer, transferred 6,987.8 million tenge.
Economic activity of UMP JSC is aimed at increasing efficiency and profitability of production, rational use of available resources, achievement of the greatest results at the lowest costs in order to make profit and meet the needs of personnel, shareholders and the state.
The consolidated result of financial and economic activity of the group of organisations of UMP JSC, in the form of net profit received by the end of 2024, amounted to 2,940 million tenge, net profit of UMP JSC equal to 9,754 million tenge.
Economic indicators of the group of organizations of UMP JSC
Indicators |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Revenues, total: |
mln.tenge |
124,763 |
133,762 |
88,398 |
incl. from sales |
mln.tenge |
121,435 |
132,198 |
83,912 |
Sales volume of uranium products |
mln.tenge |
61,251 |
67,305 |
20,961 |
Sales volume of beryllium products |
mln.tenge |
32,047 |
31,784 |
30,601 |
Sales volume of tantalum products |
mln.tenge |
23,170 |
27,061 |
24,169 |
Sales volume of niobium products |
mln.tenge |
331 |
118 |
252 |
mln.tenge |
101,441 |
112,014 |
70,625 |
Financial expenses |
mln.tenge |
1,753 |
1,297 |
622 |
Income tax expenses |
mln.tenge |
4,165 |
4,119 |
3,461 |
Net profit |
mln.tenge |
12,699 |
17,639 |
2,940 |
Investments in production development |
mln.tenge |
3,457 |
5,217 |
4,154 |
Wage fund |
mln.tenge |
19,780 |
24,497 |
28,022 |
Average salary |
tenge |
429,474 |
521,711 |
606,534 |
Sales volume of uranium products |
tonne |
3,953 |
3,834 |
3,962 |
Sales volume of beryllium products |
tonne |
1,337 |
898 |
629 |
Sales volume of tantalum products |
tonne |
166 |
146 |
142 |
Sales volume of niobium products |
tonne |
13 |
1 |
9 |
Dividends paid on preferred shares |
mln.tenge |
230 |
409 |
600 |
Dividends paid on common shares |
mln.tenge |
3,831 |
6,834 |
8,219 |
Social and Economic Development of Operating Regions 2023
Long-term success of the business depends on social and economic stability in the operating regions and in the country as a whole, on mutually beneficial relations with representatives of state and local authorities, as well as on the quality of labour and life of employees.
UMP JSC cares about the socio-economic development of the regions of its presence, realising that high indicators of their development are one of the key factors contributing to the Company’s Sustainable Development.
UMP JSC operates in two regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: East Kazakhstan region and Abay region.
The amount of taxes and contributions of UMP JSC to the regional budget for 2021-2023 totalled 8,316.3 million tenge, including 2,155.9 million tenge in 2021, 2,730.1 million tenge in 2022 and 3,430.3 million tenge in 2023.
Every year, within the framework of fulfilment of subsoil use contracts, UMP JSC makes contributions to the budgets of the regions where it operates for socio-economic development, as well as for infrastructure development. The amount of these contributions in 2021, 2022 and 2023 was 7,423 thousand tenge, 7,905 thousand tenge and 7,705 thousand tenge, respectively.
The group of organisations of UMP JSC in 2023 transferred to the republican and regional budgets taxes and deductions to the amount of 13,218.0 million tenge, including UMP JSC, being a major taxpayer, transferred 12,287.9 million tenge.
Economic activity of UMP JSC is aimed at increasing efficiency and profitability of production, rational use of available resources, achievement of the greatest results at the lowest costs in order to make profit and meet the needs of personnel, shareholders and the state.
The consolidated result of financial and economic activity of the group of organisations of UMP JSC, in the form of net profit received by the end of 2023, amounted to 17,639 million tenge, including net profit of UMP JSC equal to 12,212.4 million tenge.
Economic indicators of the group of organizations of UMP JSC
Indicators |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Revenues, total: |
mln.tenge |
61,157 |
124,763 |
133,762 |
incl. from sales |
mln.tenge |
60,254 |
121,435 |
132,198 |
Sales volume of uranium products |
mln.tenge |
13,750 |
61,251 |
67,305 |
Sales volume of beryllium products |
mln.tenge |
26,111 |
32,047 |
31,784 |
Sales volume of tantalum products |
mln.tenge |
15,771 |
23,170 |
27,061 |
Sales volume of niobium products |
mln.tenge |
170 |
331 |
118 |
mln.tenge |
47,368 |
101,441 |
112,014 |
Financial expenses |
mln.tenge |
436 |
1,753 |
1,297 |
Income tax expenses |
mln.tenge |
2,606 |
4,165 |
4,119 |
Net profit |
mln.tenge |
5,606 |
12,699 |
17,639 |
Investments in production development |
mln.tenge |
5,133 |
3,457 |
5,217 |
Wage fund |
mln.tenge |
14,377 |
19,780 |
24,497 |
Average salary |
tenge |
313,466 |
429,474 |
521,711 |
Sales volume of uranium products |
tonne |
3,739 |
3,953 |
3,834 |
Sales volume of beryllium products |
tonne |
1,529 |
1,337 |
898 |
Sales volume of tantalum products |
tonne |
165 |
166 |
146 |
Sales volume of niobium products |
tonne |
8 |
13 |
1 |
Dividends paid on preferred shares |
mln.tenge |
413 |
230 |
409 |
Dividends paid on common shares |
mln.tenge |
3,799 |
3,831 |
6,834 |
Social and Economic Development of Operating Regions 2022
Long-term success of the business depends on social and economic stability in the operating regions and in the country as a whole, on mutually beneficial relations with representatives of state and local authorities, as well as on the quality of labour and life of employees.
UMP JSC cares about the socio-economic development of the regions of its presence, realising that high indicators of their development are one of the key factors contributing to the Company’s Sustainable Development.
UMP JSC operates in two regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: East Kazakhstan region and Abay region.
The amount of taxes and contributions of UMP JSC to the regional budget for 2021-2023 totalled 8,316.3 million tenge, including 2,155.9 million tenge in 2021, 2,730.1 million tenge in 2022 and 3,430.3 million tenge in 2023.
Every year, within the framework of fulfilment of subsoil use contracts, UMP JSC makes contributions to the budgets of the regions where it operates for socio-economic development, as well as for infrastructure development. The amount of these contributions in 2021, 2022 and 2023 was 7,423 thousand tenge, 7,905 thousand tenge and 7,705 thousand tenge, respectively.
The group of organisations of UMP JSC in 2023 transferred to the republican and regional budgets taxes and deductions to the amount of 13,218.0 million tenge, including UMP JSC, being a major taxpayer, transferred 12,287.9 million tenge.
Economic activity of UMP JSC is aimed at increasing efficiency and profitability of production, rational use of available resources, achievement of the greatest results at the lowest costs in order to make profit and meet the needs of personnel, shareholders and the state.
The consolidated result of financial and economic activity of the group of organisations of UMP JSC, in the form of net profit received by the end of 2023, amounted to 17,639 million tenge, including net profit of UMP JSC equal to 12,212.4 million tenge.
Economic indicators of the group of organizations of UMP JSC
Indicators |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Revenues, total: |
mln.tenge |
61,157 |
124,763 |
133,762 |
incl. from sales |
mln.tenge |
60,254 |
121,435 |
132,198 |
Sales volume of uranium products |
mln.tenge |
13,750 |
61,251 |
67,305 |
Sales volume of beryllium products |
mln.tenge |
26,111 |
32,047 |
31,784 |
Sales volume of tantalum products |
mln.tenge |
15,771 |
23,170 |
27,061 |
Sales volume of niobium products |
mln.tenge |
170 |
331 |
118 |
mln.tenge |
47,368 |
101,441 |
112,014 |
Financial expenses |
mln.tenge |
436 |
1,753 |
1,297 |
Income tax expenses |
mln.tenge |
2,606 |
4,165 |
4,119 |
Net profit |
mln.tenge |
5,606 |
12,699 |
17,639 |
Investments in production development |
mln.tenge |
5,133 |
3,457 |
5,217 |
Wage fund |
mln.tenge |
14,377 |
19,780 |
24,497 |
Average salary |
tenge |
313,466 |
429,474 |
521,711 |
Sales volume of uranium products |
tonne |
3,739 |
3,953 |
3,834 |
Sales volume of beryllium products |
tonne |
1,529 |
1,337 |
898 |
Sales volume of tantalum products |
tonne |
165 |
166 |
146 |
Sales volume of niobium products |
tonne |
8 |
13 |
1 |
Dividends paid on preferred shares |
mln.tenge |
413 |
230 |
409 |
Dividends paid on common shares |
mln.tenge |
3,799 |
3,831 |
6,834 |
Date of update: 17.02.2025