UMP JSC Executive Board
The Company’s Board is the collegial executive body of the Company.
According to the Law and Company’s Statute, the Company’s Board carries out the current management of the Company’s activities and has the right to make decisions about any issues related to its activity, which are not classified by the Law and Company’s Statute to be the competency of other Company’s bodies and officials.
The Company’s Chairman of the Board heads the Company’s Board. The Company’s Chairman of the Board arranges the Board’s activities, distributes obligations and areas of authorities and responsibilities between the Board members, ensures making the grounded and effective decisions by the Board, chairs the Board meetings, sings the Board’s decisions, solves other issues as stipulated by the Company’s Statute and Statement on the Board.
Remuneration of the Company’s Board members according to an activity functional area is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company’s Statute and Company’s Board of Directors decisions. Additional remuneration for working in the Company’s executive body is not provided for the Board members.
Executive Board
Date of update: 20.12.2024