Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Ecology is fine!


Ecology is fine!

On February 18, Executive Board Chairman of UMP Sergey Bezhetskiy took part in the XXIV corporate meeting on industrial safety of NAC Kazatomprom. A report dedicated to the study of the cumulative impact of UMP»s production activities on the environment and the population was presented to the participants of the online event. We offer to read the main theses of Sergey Vladimirovich»s speech.

Historically, for a long time, UMP remained an enterprise about which the citizens knew little. As a result, there was an opinion that the plant was one of the main polluters of Ust-Kamenogorsk ecology. Today, the company is carrying out a lot of work to reassure the population of the city. In particular, in March 2021, a study was conducted by an independent organization, Atmosphere Laboratory LLP.

During the year, UMP industrial sites in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kurchatov, and the Karajal mine were inspected. Studies have shown that sulfur dioxide and nitrogen emissions from UMP have no noticeable impact on atmospheric pollution in Ust-Kamenogorsk, and hydrofluoride emissions standards of the plant are 6 times lower than those of other enterprises and account for 18% of emissions from all enterprises in the city, i.e., they have no additional noticeable impact on atmospheric quality. The level of atmospheric air pollution by specific pollutants characteristic of the Kurchatov enrichment plant and the Karajal mine does not exceed the established standards, which indicates an acceptable level of impact on atmospheric air.

Water quality in Ust-Kamenogorsk is not affected by UMP activities. Groundwater contamination in the area of the tailings dump of the enrichment plant and the Karajal mine does not exceed the norms.

Soil quality in Ust-Kamenogorsk is also not affected by the plant. Soil contamination in the area of the waste dump of enrichment plant and Karajal mine is assessed as permissible.

As for vegetation, there are no rare and endangered plants in the zone of influence of the industrial site in Ust-Kamenogorsk. There are no natural food and medical plants. The impact of the UMP tailings dump on vegetation is insignificant. Moreover, the plant pays much attention to planting greenery on the territory of the enterprise and the sanitary protection zone.

Rare or endangered animal species listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan are not found in the area where the plant facilities are located. The impact of the plant»s activities on wildlife is minimal.

In 2021, there were no appeals from residents of areas located in the area of UMP production facilities, which may indicate that there are no claims to the company on environmental activities. But there is still interest in the plant on the part of some public activists and journalists. Therefore, we carry out explanatory work through the mass media and the corporate portal.

Yulia Antonova

Date of update: 15.10.2024