Line up For Subbotnik!
Line up For Subbotnik!
The Plant workers continue to support the Republican environmental campaign Birge-Taza Kazakhstan! and for the umpteenth time they come out to fight against garbage.
This time the event was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of UMP JSC and it was attended by 41 employees and five units of special equipment. The Subbotnik was initiated by the Office of the Director for Production Safety.
At the end of September, Ulba plant employees dressed in working clothes (and someone did not even regret the suit), armed with gloves and bags went to clean from solid waste and construction debris Ulba coastline, length of 440 meters and a width of 30 meters. The task before them was not easy. The place is sparsely populated occasionally only passing vehicles. And some "enterprising" citizens not wanting to bother threw out garbage in this area without reaching specially allocated city dumps. However, the difficulties never frightened UMP employees and they gladly devoted one day to socially useful work. Plaznt workers collected and removed more than 120 tons of garbage!
At the end of the event, Director of Production Safety, Mr. Yevgeny Chumin thanked all the participants for their activity, responsiveness and work. In particular, Evgeny allocated workers service center motor of the economy as they follow the purity and ennoble the territory not only on Subbotnik but every day!
Press Office
Date of update: 15.10.2024