Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Action Plan to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection


Action Plan to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection

Pursuant to the Decree of the RK President «On Emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan» due to the COVID-19 pandemia declared by WHO, UMP JSC (UMP) has developed an Action Plan to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.

For preservation of health of the UMP»s people a number of measures were taken as below.

A staff office consisting of the top leaders of the company was established. According to the approved Action Plan the employees are informed about the preventive measures in the form of posters and videos demonstrated at the monitors of the access control posts, and regular paper and radio information is also available.

Daily temperature control is recommended for all workers of the UMP»s uranium, beryllium and tantalum production divisions and at the workplaces of subsidiaries and contracting organizations.

The staff of health centers was instructed on actions in case of complaints on health condition.

From March 26 until the end of the emergency period some office people of UMP will be transferred to remote operation.

Medical masks and respirators are available and sanitizers will be additionally purchased for manufacturing divisions where remote operation is not possible.

To ensure safe life and health of people, strengthened sanitary and disinfecting regime of all the rooms and a new cleaning schedule were established at the workplaces. Transport for delivery of people to the workplaces in the morning is treated with antiseptcs on a daily basis.

Any travels both in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and outside are cancelled.

Any cultural and sport events, forums, exhibitions, courses, training sessions and meetings are also cancelled.

Information about preventive measures is communicated to all subsidiaries and subcontractors operating at the UMP site and the military unit.

Suspending the operation of the equipment and process areas which do not directly affect the production activities is under consideration.

UMP is one of the largest enterprises of Ust-Kamenogorsk. The management and employees are fully aware of their involvement in the common cause of maintaining the stable epidemiological and social situation.

• Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC is one of the recognized world producers of uranium, beryllium, tantalum and niobium products for the needs of nuclear power, electronic, metallurgical industry and other fields. The company is part of the National Atomic Company «Kazatomprom».

• JSC «NAC «Kazatomprom» is the world leader in the production of natural uranium and the national operator of Kazakhstan on import and export of uranium, rare metals and nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. The Group of Kazatomprom consists of 46 companies which employ over 20,000 people. Assets include any complexes of the enterprises involved in the production chain of final products from uranium exploration, mining and nuclear fuel production to science, welfare and training.

Press Office UMP JSC

Date of update: 15.10.2024