Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Refining Production: Best Technologies at Uranium Operations


Refining Production: Best Technologies at Uranium Operations

On June 25, public hearings were held at the Exhibition and Information Center of UMP JSC on the project for reconstruction of U3O8 refining production.


Main strategic goals of the plant in the field of uranium business are aimed at maintaining the Development Strategy of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, which occupies a leading position in the global uranium market, increasing sales of the products with a higher technological readiness as well as strengthening its positions in the market of services for processing of yellow cake into U3O8.

One of the main advantages of the projected refining production is to reduce an impact on the environment by eliminating liquid radioactive waste and reducing the consumption of hazardous chemicals. Refining production will also allow the plant to introduce advanced technologies for the production of nuclear fuel, taking into account world environmental and energy saving standards.


Refining production will be based on the technology of Canadian company Cameco, the world leader in this market segment. Implementation of the project was facilitated by signing of a number of documents. Among them are the agreements between the governments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Canada on cooperation in the peaceful use of atomic energy and agreement on the promotion and transfer of uranium refinement technology and rights to its use.


Start-up of refining production is planned in the middle, and reaching of the design capacity at the end of 2025. Volume of production will be 6,000 tons per year. At the moment project is at the initial stage of implementation and should go through many more stages before practical implementation.


Refining production will be located in the vacant areas of Building No. 600 which located at the Northern Site of UMP JSC. There are operating systems of power supply, communications, signaling, security, convenient transport and pedestrian infrastructure.


Based on the results of public hearings, an investment project «Building No. 600. Reconstruction. Refining production of U3O8 with a capacity of 6,000 tons of uranium per year» was approved unanimously. Thus, permission has been obtained to implement it.

Date of update: 15.10.2024