The first historic delivery
The first historic delivery
December 6th, 2022 will forever remain in the history of Ulba-FA LLP. The first batch of fuel assemblies in the amount of one reload (slightly more than 30 tons of low-enriched uranium) was delivered to the NPP in China and accepted by the end user – the Chinese nuclear corporation CGNPC-URC.
The preparation for the first shipment was thorough and long.
Alexander Revutskiy, FA Manufacturing Section Foreman, Ulba-FA LLP:
The first historic batch contains 68 fuel assemblies, each shipping container contains two fuel assemblies. It takes three to four hours to load a shipping container. All operations are performed smoothly to minimize any potential impacts. Desiccant and sensors are also used to register impacts, accelerations and other abnormal situations.
Rustam Nralinov, Handling Operator of Ulba-FA LLP»s FA Manufacturing Section
– I tighten 54 bolts on the lid of each shipping container and check the tightness of the container. The first order is critical. It is important to do the work so that the customer is satisfied by the quality.
Chinese representatives witnessed the whole packing process. The loaded shipping containers were transported from Ulba-FA LLP to the Finished Product Storage Facility of UMP JSC. Since the loading of the fuel assemblies was carried out for the first time, the employees of the Finished Product Storage Facility thoroughly prepared: they conducted a briefing and a range of simulation practice drills. First, the shipping containers were placed onto the flat racks (open platforms with end walls), then they were installed on the railway platforms. The team of the Finished Product Storage Facility consisted of 5 employees including a crane operator met the challenge.
Nursultan Yerlanuly, Finished Product Storage Facility Foreman:
The cargo is unusual, within loading range, so we need to handle it carefully. We are fully responsible for correct installation of the cargo on the flat racks. The crane operator transports the cargo using a crossbar – a crossbeam with chains and hooks. We need to slowly install the shipping containers into the flat racks one on another, getting into the grooves. It is new experience for us.
Arman Suleimenov, Ulba-FA LLP Director General:
– I would like to thank all colleagues participating in the first shipment of the finished product to the customer in the PRC. The team work of Ulba-FA LLP and the Finished Product Storage Facility of UMP JSC helped to realize the historic event. I would like to especially thank the drivers of the truck fleet who participated in the entire loading process.
Sergey Bezhetskiy, Chairman of the Board:
– I would like to congratulate the team of Ulba-FA LLP plant and our Chinese partners on this incredible event! The first shipment of the finished product became a milestone in the process of regular deliveries of the FAs. It is important not only for our enterprises, but for Kazakhstan and China in peaceful atom use as a whole.
Successful delivery of the product to our Chinese partners stood to the reputation of Kazatomprom and Ulba-FA as reliable and preferable supplier on the global market of nuclear fuel.
Anna Chumina
Date of update: 15.10.2024