Astana hosted a forum-dialogue on a currently relevant topic – the role of women in the development of nuclear industry. All speakers, of course, were women.
STEM is an education and labor activity of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
The format of the meeting is hybrid offline+online, the status is international. Participants: Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Organizers: Association Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan and the Fund for Support and Development of Women's Initiatives Association of Women of the Nuclear Industry.
Two specialists from Kazatomprom Group of Companies made presentations: Zhannat Kozhagildina, Director of Social Work Department of NAC Kazatomprom JSC and Galina Gusakova, Lead Research Engineer of Uranium Laboratory of UMP SC.
Galina Vasilievna represented Women for Sustainable Development of Technologies and Innovations block:
– In general, 814 employees under 35 years old work at our plant, 234 (29%) of them are ladies, 106 (45%) of which work in working professions and 128 (55%) are employees.
I would like to point out that people in science are always extraordinary, inquisitive, and capable of solving problems of any complexity. In UMP Research Center 53% of the total number of employees are women, 38% of them are engineers and technicians. Two of the four laboratories of the Research Center are headed by women.
The plant has created a supportive and comfortable environment for all-round development, there are opportunities for greater involvement of talented and caring women in public processes. But it is important to convey that it does not matter whether you are a woman or a man. The main thing is professionalism, burning eyes and desire to work for the benefit of the plant and sustainable development of the country.
Date of update: 15.10.2024