Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Will UMP be Able to Supply Fuel for Kazakhstan's Nuclear Power Plants?


At the end of August a press tour for journalists of regional and republican mass media was held at UMP. During the event the press representatives got acquainted with the key stages of nuclear fuel production.

The press tour was held as part of the pre-agenda campaign for the referendum on the construction of the nuclear power plant. It was organised by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazatomprom and the Department of Public Relations and Governmental Bodies of the UMP. Among the invited media were: Channel 31, TV channels Khabar, ALTAI, Atameken Business, news agencies Inbusines, YK-NEWS, ALTAI-NEWS, newspapers Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, Moi Gorod and others.

During the event, journalists visited the Exhibition and Information Centre, where they learned about the history of the plant, products and principles of operation of modern nuclear power plants. This was followed by a detailed excursion to Uranium Operations facility. Here the guests learnt about the process of manufacturing fuel pellets, which are the basis for fuel assemblies used in NPPs. The reporters also visited Ulba-FA plant and saw the main stages of fuel assembly production with their own eyes.

During the briefing, Managing Director for Nuclear Fuel Cycle of NAC Kazatomprom Asset Makhambetov said:

– Kazakhstan ranks second in the world in terms of natural uranium reserves, second only to Australia. Our country owns about 13% of the deposits of this valuable resource and since 2009 has confidently held leadership in the world market, providing about 40% of all uranium production. He also emphasised that Ulba Metallurgical Plant is the flagship of Kazakhstan's nuclear industry, with a rich history, advanced technologies and highly qualified personnel. At the end of 2021, a plant for the production of fuel assemblies was launched on the territory of UMP. Thus, the country already has a domestic high-tech production of finished fuel for NPPs. In turn, Sergey Bezhetskyi, Executive Board Chairman of UMP, welcomed the journalists.

Welcoming the journalists, Mr Bezhetskyi said:

– If the issue of building a nuclear power plant is favourably resolved, UMP could provide it with its own nuclear fuel. Now the plant produces fuel assemblies of French design AFA3G. If this fuel option is in demand at the plant, we will simply increase production volumes. But even if another format is chosen, UMP will be able to produce fuel pellets, i.e. components for the production of fuel assemblies.

Sergey Vladimirovich also noted that the plant, which today employs more than 4,000 people, has accumulated 70 years of experience in working with uranium and has a serious scientific and production base. If necessary, the plant's employees are ready to share their knowledge and practical skills with nuclear specialists.

As a result of the press tour, more than 50 articles and television reports were published. Almost all major media outlets in Kazakhstan reported that Kazatomprom and UMP are ready to support initiatives aimed at developing nuclear power in Kazakhstan. The knowledge and experience of the plant's employees are key elements for successfully addressing new challenges.

We are very grateful for the assistance in organizing and conducting the press tour to Vladimir Vakhnenko, First Deputy Executive Board Chairman – Senior Engineer, Evgenyi Chumin, Director of Production Safety, Konstantin Kuzmin, Uranium Operations Director, Arman Suleimenov, Director General of Ulba-FA LLP, Stanislav Matveev, Director for Technological Control and Accounting of Nuclear Materials, Manarbek Kylyshkanov, Head of Scientific Centre, Evgeniya Lorova, Head of Protocol Department, Assel Dyusupova, Head of DMD Group, Vladimir Dontsov, Director of Information and Exhibition Centre, and Alena Konstantinova, Manager for Excursion and Exhibition Work.

Alexey Proskuryakov

Date of update: 08.01.2025