Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Age of maturity


25 years, is it a lot or not? Probably not much for a human being, but for the Exhibition and Information Center it is the age of maturity!

In 1998, in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the plant, it was decided to close the Museum of Labor Glory in the Central Cultural Center. The building needed major repairs and the exhibits had to be urgently saved. Then the idea of placing the museum in the empty stores of the Labor Supply Department arose. Vitaliy Khadeev, at that time General Director of UMP, fully supported it. It was decided to place the history of the plant according to the periods. The first stage of the museum including a history hall and a lecture hall was completed on October 21, 1999. The second stage was completed in 2000, which included an exhibition hall and the editorial office of the revived plant newspaper «UMP-Inform».

Thus, the museum was transformed into the Exhibition and Information Center. Albert Efimovich Goffman and Svetlana Nikolayevna Mordvinova put their soul into the formation of the museum, it is their greatest merit, and the plant is grateful to them for it! Raised by coryphets, manager Alyona Konstantinova and specialist Elena Lugovskaya today familiarize visitors with the glorious history of the plant. It is also impossible not to mention those who improved our center with their labor. They are: Galina Kosoukhova, Elena Klimova, Galina Goncharenko, and today – Oksana Degtyareva and Natalya Vorobyeva. In 2009 the employees of the EIC were awarded the V. Potanin Prize for its creation. It is difficult to count how many people have visited the center for 25 years. I can only say that in 2024 alone, 4,815 people visited the center, and 214 events were organized! Portraits of the most worthy employees of the plant are placed on the museum stands. But in order to reflect in the annals of history more plant workers, EIC initiated the creation of history albums of all divisions, today their number is 147 pieces. They are very popular at anniversary meetings with veterans. It is noteworthy that today the albums have a uniform style, in electronic form the pages are supplemented by divisions, and the printing is centralized by the SCCD. EIC is honorably demanded in realization of many plant events, excursions for state and political figures, business partners of the plant. Special attention is paid to career guidance work among students of schools, colleges and universities. It often happens that excursions are conducted in two halls at the same time!

And also the plant employees visit with interest the art exhibitions of paintings and photos organized by EIC. For the past 25 years much has changed at the plant: new production facilities have been launched, new and improved products are manufactured, new people come, new ideas are born... You can learn about all this in the museum. And as long as the heart of the plant beats, the road to the EIC will not overgrow. Therefore, the main thing for us is to cherish the history of the glorious past and present!

Vladimir Dontsov, EIC Director

Date of update: 08.01.2025