Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Jubilee dynasty


The 35th dynasty – the Bagrov family – was registered at UMP for its 75th anniversary. The total length of service is 152 years.

For the first time the Bagrov»s surname was heard at the enterprise in October, 1966. At that time the head of the dynasty – Lydia Dmitriyevna – was hired as a borer in the mechanical shop. Lidia Bagrova worked at the plant for more than 30 years, she worked as a controller, and then as an operator of workshop No. 6 of Beryllium Operations. She was awarded the title «Veteran of Labor» and received 5 acknowledgements from the management.

Lydia Dmitriyevna»s daughter Irina and son Andrey followed in her footsteps at the plant. Irina Vladimirovna got a job at UMP right after school – at the age of 17. And for more than 40 years she has been working as a technician-administrator of the payment system of the Information Technologies Center. She has 11 acknowledgements on her account. Irina Vladimirovna»s husband Alexey Sveshnikov is a conductor for cargo and special wagons escort in the Storage Facility. His work experience is 35 years. He also has 11 acknowledgements! Andrey Bagrov, son of the dynasty founder, is a plumber of workshop «B» of Uranium Operations. For 35 years of perfect work, he was awarded with the jubilee sign «10 years of NAC Kazatomprom JSC». His photo adorned the UO Gallery of Honor, and his personal file contains more than 10 acknowledgements from the management! The third generation of the family works at the plant today. The grandson of the head of the dynasty Roman Sveshnikov is an engineer of the Marketing & Product Marketing Strategy Center, he has been at the plant for more than 11 years and has received 3 acknowledgements during this time.

We met Irina Sveshnikova, the owner of the longest work experience, and asked her to tell interesting facts about the dynasty.

– Irina Vladimirovna, please tell us about your family.
– My parents moved to Ust-Kamenogorsk in 1966 and immediately got a job at UMP in the mechanical workshop. By the way, my father was not included in the dynasty, although he worked at the plant for 19 years. Well, at the time of the move I was two years old. My parents did not tell much about the plant. First of all, it was not allowed, and secondly, they were very considerate themselves. But I knew that my mom and dad enjoyed authority in the team and were on good terms with the management.

– Do you have any childhood memories associated with the plant?
– Both my brother and I went to the kindergarten at UMP. I remember we lived «on the block», and the kindergarten was behind the current Vesna grocery store. The tram was running from four o»clock in the morning. And so, my parents took me across the city early in the morning. There were no educators yet, a watchman used to open the door for us, and I was sleeping on the red carpet in the group. At that time in kindergartens, they slept on cots, which were removed after a nap. My brother and I spent every year at the Matrosovo camp, sometimes twice a season. I remember a time when I was at the camp and my dad came with a crew to repair something in the swimming pool, and when all the children had a quiet hour, I would leave to see my dad.

– Did you have a choice of where to work?
– No, I didn»t. Immediately after school I joined the plant and while working here, I studied by correspondence in Almaty. I have worked in the same workshop for 40 years. After the eighth grade Andrey entered college 71, then it was a plant college, and now it is Ust-Kamenogorsk multidisciplinary technological college. After graduation he got a job at UMP. Then he was taken to the army, after which he returned to the enterprise again.

– Do you think your children or grandchildren will succeed you?
– My son Roman graduated from EKTU named after D. Serikbayev. First, he got a job at Tantalum Operations, then he joined the Procurement Director»s Service. He has been a plant worker for 11 years! Grandchildren are still little, grandson is 12 years old, granddaughter is 6 years old. My in-laws also work here, at UMP. That»s why my grandchildren have heard about the plant since they were little and attend New Year matinees every year. But so far, they have other interests – my grandson studies at the gymnasium with advanced study of English and at the children»s music school No. 1 in the direction of playing the piano, is professionally engaged in snowboarding and this year was included in the junior Olympic team, and my granddaughter is engaged in sports modern dances and aerial gymnastics. However, we are not giving up hope!

Samal Akhmetkalieva

Date of update: 08.01.2025