Ulba Metallurgical Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Discussion of issues


At the end of January, Mrs. Gulnaz Bisenova, the director of the ecology department of the Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises (AMME) visited UMP to get acquainted with the production and discuss current environmental protection issues.

During her visit Gulnaz Kynabylovna got acquainted with the activities of UMP, visiting the Exhibition Center, uranium and tantalum production. Also, Mr. Evgeny Chumin, the director of the occupational safety, showed the AMME representative the automated system for monitoring wastewater discharges.

At the off-site meeting with the participation of Mr. Vladimir Vakhnenko, the First Deputy Chairman of the Board - Senior Engineer of UMP, the problematic issues of the enterprise were discussed. Such as: fulfillment of obligations to eliminate the consequences of the operation of the Category I facility, the methodology for determining emission standards into the environment, reducing fines for violating environmental legislation, expanding the list of pollutants for which the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not provide for payment rates, as well as the lack of criteria for the discharge of wastewater when equipping ASM.

Following the results of the off-site meeting, AMME plans to continue working to resolve all the issues raised together with the authorized body in the field of environmental protection.